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高考英语常用搭配汇总 .形容词+介词 例句: She is eager for her parents approval.她渴望得到父母的赞同。 What makes you think that you are qualified for this job?你凭什么认为你能胜任 这份工作? He wasn,t badly hurt 一 thats something to be thankful 他伤得不重,这是值得 庆幸的。 Alcohol should be consumed in moderation, and this is particularly true for pregnant women.饮酒要适量,孕妇尤其如此。 The drought has made farmers anxious about the harvest.旱灾使农民对收成感到焦 虑。 He was quite certain about his attacker,s identity.他对袭击者的身份十分确定。 They were very curious about the people who lived upstairs.他们对住在楼上的人 很好奇。 They are excellent at planning fun parties.他们擅长筹划有趣的聚会。 Please dont be mad at me!请不要生我的气! Hes got no manners - he, s rude to everyone.他没有礼貌 他对每个人都很粗鲁。 r ve never seen two people so attached to each olher.我从没见过两个人如此相爱。 Im sick of the way youve treated me.我讨厌你这样对待我。 The kids are busy with their homework.孩子们忙着做作业。 The airport is crowded with stranded travelers.机场挤满了滞留的旅客。 .名词+介词 例句: The school has decided to adopt a different approach to discipline.学校决定采取 不同的纪律措施。 The invitation to the reception at the embassy arrived the next day.大使馆招待 会的邀请第二天就到了。 The book is full of references to growing up in India.这本书里有很多关于在印度 成长的内容。 We received an encouraging response to our advertisement.我们的广告收至U了令人鼓 舞的反响。 Dave has a close connection with my family.戴夫与我的家人关系密切。 r ve got a dinner date with Tommy on Saturday.我星期六和汤米有个晚餐约会。 Tony left after a quarrel with his wife.托尼和妻子吵了一架后离开了。 She received approval for the proposal from the shareholders.她的建议得到 J‘股东 们的批准。 We went to see an exhibition of Viking jewellery.我们去看了一场维京珠宝展。 His habit of smoking in restaurants caused many problems. 他在餐馆吸烟的习惯引 起了许多问题。 He was the first to see the possibilities of the plan.他是第一个看到这个计划的 可能性的人。 .动词+介词 例句: We depend on our customers suggestions.我们信赖顾客的建议。 She had to apologized to the whole family.她不得不向全家人抱歉。 Please contribute to the fund for the needy.请为有需要的人向基金捐款。 Something awful happened to your car.你的车出大问题了。 She listens to the radio in the car.她在车里听广播。 I object to your opinion.我反对你的意见。 He


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