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解析高考英语 阅读中的长难句 He who is good at reading will conquer the world. 2 .含有多个从句的复合吸普需盟, r理解句意。 ■ ■ ■ ■■■J^cftuh.Gpm Whereas a womans closest female friend might be the first to tell her to leave a failing marriage it wasnt unusual to hear a man say that he didnt know that his friends marriage was in serious trouble until he appeared one night asking if he could sleep on the sofa. 并列和主从复合句并存的处理方法 —先读懂并列句,再看主从复合句 If you ask people to name one person who had the greatest effect on the English language, you will get answers like “Shakespeare”, “Samuel Johnson,and “Webster”, but none of these men had any effect at all compared to a man who didnt even speak English-William, the Conqueror. 3 .含有插入语的句子忽略插入成分, 直奔句子主题.这种句子的特点是在正常的 句子中插入一些或长或短的 成分或句子,比方同位语(从 非限制性定语从句、状语从句、分词、插入语 等等,打断读者的思路,割裂前后之间的语义, 造成理解上的困难。我们称之为打岔。有 时有逗号或破折号分开 3 .含有插入语的句子 忽略插入成分, 直奔句子主题. The lack of right male (男性的)role models in many of their lives-at home and particularly in the school environment (环 境)—means that their peers are the only people they have to judge themselves against.(2008辽宁卷C篇)译文:在他们很多人的生活中,如在家里,尤 其是在学校,缺少合适的男性典范,这就意味 着他们只好对照自己的同龄人来评判自己。 Science has become so important in the modern world, with its procedures so highly standardized and so widely accepted, that it is included among modem social institutions. 随着科学研究程序到达高度标准化并被广 泛接受,在当今世界上,科学已变得如此 重要,以至被纳入现代社会制度之中。 minimaleShabby-chic Io stilemoda: swing con tradizione4.成分省略「把握大意,找出上文对应补充省略成分 minimale Shabby-chic Io stile moda: swing con tradizione 4. 成分省略「把握大意, 找出上文对应 补充省略成分 because young guys gene审I” worft pick up a magazine that appears to be directed at finales, whereas girls usually will- I I 5 5.倒装句 5.倒装句 5.倒装句 Before 1066, in the land we now call Great Britain lived peoples belonging to two major language groups. 5.倒装句 5.倒装句 Before 1066, in the land we now call Great Britain lived peoples belonging to two major language groups. 长难句之小试牛刀篇1.Mobile phone SIM cards which are put in the collars(项圈)of elephants automatically send a text mess


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