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PAGE 专项语法讲练——过去进行时及when和while引导的时间状语从句 【概念引入】 Tom: I got a traffic ticket this afternoon. Lily: Were you parking in the wrong place? Tom: No, I was driving too fast. Lily: How fast were you going? Tom: 55 in a 35 mile per hour zone. Lily: Why were you in such a hurry? Tom: I left school late and I was trying to get home before the rush hour. Lily: Did you make it? Tom: No, when the police officer was giving me the ticket, the rush hour started. It took me twice as long to get home. 【点睛】 请注意以下有特殊标注的地方,这几个句子用的都是过去进行时。 1. Were you parking in the wrong place? 2. No, I was driving too fast. 3. How fast were you going? 4. I was trying to get home before the rush hour. 5. No, when the police officer was giving me the ticket… 【译文】 Tom: 今天下午我被开罚单了。 Lily: 你违章停车了吗? Tom: 不,我超速了。 Lily: 你车速多少迈? Tom: 在限速35英里每小时的地区开了55迈。 Lily: 你为什么这么匆忙? Tom: 我离开学校晚了,我想在高峰时间前到家。 Lily: 你做到了吗? Tom: 没有,当警察给我开罚单的时候,高峰时间开始了。我用了(平时)两倍的时间才到家。 【用法讲解】 一、什么是过去进行时?   (1) 表示过去某时正在进行的状态或动作。例如:    They were singing songs from seven to nine last night.    昨天晚上七点到九点的时候他们一直在唱歌。     What was he doing all day last Sunday?    上周日他一整天都在干什么?  (2) 由when 引导的时间状语从句,表示过去某一时刻,当一个动作发生时,另一个动作正在 进行;或某一动作正进行时,突然发生另外一件事。例如:    It was raining when they arrived at the station.    他们到达车站的时候,天正在下雨。    My brother was riding his bicycle when he fell off and hurt himself.    我哥哥在骑自行车时,突然从车上摔了下来并受了伤。  (3) 由while 引导的时间状语从句,常表示在过去某一时刻发生的事情是可延续的或同时发生的,此时,主从句的动词都可用过去进行时。例如:   He was selling the newspaper while he was waiting for the bus. 他边等车边卖报。    My mother was cooking while I was watching TV. 妈妈做饭时我在看电视。 二、过去进行时的标志词: 与过去进行时经常连用的时间状语有:this morning, from nine to ten, last night, when, while等。 三、过去进行时的基本句式结构:   (1)肯定式:主语 + was / were + V-ing + 其它。例如:    I was waiting for you from eight to ten yesterday morning.    昨天早晨从八点到十点我都一直在等你。   (2)否定式:主语 + was / were not + V-ing + 其它。例如:    I wasn’t playing football at three last Sunday.    上周日三点我不是在踢足球。   (3) 疑问式:Was


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