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GigaDevice Semiconductor Inc. GD32L233xx ® ® Arm Cortex -M23 32-bit MCU Datasheet Revision 1.1 (Apr. 2022) GD32L233xx Datasheet Table of Contents Table of Contents 1 List of Figures 4 List of Tables 5 1. General description 7 2. Device overview 8 2.1. Device information 8 2.2. Block diagram 9 2.3. Pinouts and pin assignment 10 2.4. Memory map 13 2.5. Clock tree 16 2.6. Pin definitions 17 2.6.1. GD32L233Rx LQFP64 pin definitions 17 2.6.2. GD32L233Cx LQFP48 pin definitions 23 2.6.3. GD32L233Kx LQFP32 pin definitions 27 2.6.4. GD32L233Kx QFN32 pin definitions 30 2.6.5. GD32L233xx pin alternate functions 33 3. Functional description 36 ® ® 3.1. Arm Cortex -M23 core 36 3.2. Embedded memory 36 3.3. Clock, reset and supply management 37 3.4. Boot modes 37 3.5. Power saving modes 38 3.6. Clock trim controller (CTC) 40 3.7. General-purpose inputs/outputs (GPIOs) 40 3.8. CRC calculation unit (CRC) 41 3.9. True Random number generator (TRNG) 41 3.10. Direct memory access controller (DMA) 41 3.11. DMA request multiplexer (DMAMUX) 42 3.12. Analog to digital converter (ADC) 42 3.13. Digital to analog converter (DAC) 43 3.14. Real time clock (RTC) 43 1 GD32L233xx Da


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