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August 2013
Measurement Procedure Comparison and
Bias Estimation Using Patient Samples;
Approved Guideline—Third Edition
This document addresses the design of measurement
procedure comparison experiments using patient samples
and subsequent data analysis techniques used to determine
the bias between two in vitro diagnostic measurement
A guideline for global application developed through the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute consensus process.
Licensed to: Anne Marijon
This document is protected by copyright. CLSI order #Ord-55976, Downloaded on 4/25/2016.
Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute
Setting the standard for quality in medical laboratory testing around the world.
The Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) is a not-for-profit membership organization that brings
together the varied perspectives and expertise of the worldwide laboratory community for the advancement of a
common cause: to foster excellence in laboratory medicine by developing and implementing medical laboratory
standards and guidelines that help laboratories fulfill their responsibilities with efficiency, effectiveness, and global
Consensus Process
Consensus—the substantial agreement by materially affected, competent, and interested parties—is core to the
development of all CLSI documents. It does not always connote unanimous agreement, but does mean that the
participants in the development of a consensus document have considered and resolved all relevant objections
and accept the resulting agreement.
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