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PAGE / NUMPAGES 摘 要 网上招聘,也被称为电子招聘,是指通过技术手段的运用,关心企业人事经理完成招聘的过程。即企业通过公司自己的网站、第三招聘网站等机构,使用简历数据库或有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站引擎等工具来完成招聘过程。 本文讲述了基于Web平台的网上的求职招聘的设计与开发,在采纳JSP+Servlet+JavaBean技术下配合MySql数据库实现了系统的个人用户、企业用户和数据治理三部分的相关操作。个人用户部分实现了个人用户的注册,简历生成,信息查看及更新等相关操作;企业用户部分实现了用人单位在本系统下的信息注册,岗位登记,资料查看及更新等相关操作;数据治理部分要紧实现了个人用户的简历信息、用人单位的岗位需求信息及系统、台治理员信息及网站系统公告信息的治理操作。 在三个多月的时刻里,我们通过前期的项目规划,后台数据库设计以及前台网站设计,一步步把整个网上求职与招聘系统建立起来,并实现了各种必要的功能。界面友好美观,操作简单易明白,查询方面灵活。 关键词 网上招聘,JSP, MySQL, JavaBean ABSTRACT Online Recruitment, also known as e-recruitment, is the use of technology to attract candidates and aid the recruitment process. What this usually means is the use of a company’s own website, a third-party job site or job board, a CV (curriculum vitae) database or search engine marketing to fill vacancies. This article describes a system based on Web—mode accomplished online employment and recruitment, in using JSP + Servlet + JavaBean technology and MySql database implementation fulfill the following three parts operation. First part is personal user, it realized the following functions, user registration, CV generation, information update and information view. Second part is business user, it has the following functions, such as employers’ registration, position registration, information update and information view. The last part is data management, it contains the following functions, like management of the personal users CV information, the employers job demand information, system user information and site note information. And all these operations are built on the basic operation of the database. For the last three months, with project planning, database designing and website designing, I have completed the project with all tasks step by step. It contains following characteristic: good interface, simple operation, apt comprehension, and it’s safe and reliable. Keywords Online Recruitment, JSP, MySQL, JavaBean 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 第一章 绪 论 1 1.1 问题的提出 1 1.2 课题背景 1 1.2 目的意义 2 1.3


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