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苏教版初一英语知识点 苏教版 7A Unit 1-8 单元知识要点总结 7A Unit 1 要点总结一、单词 1. master 主人 2. meet 遇见,会见 3. slim adj. 苗条的 looks 相貌,容貌 classmate 复数 classmates (同学的 classmate‘s 同学们的classmates) 6. glad adj. 开心的 7. everyone 每人,人人 8. glasses 眼镜 9. cute adj. 可爱的,讨人喜欢的=lovely 10. hobby 爱好 (复数 hobbies) 11. family 家庭(复数 families); 家人(集体名词,复数概念) 二、词组 1.the master of = ones master … 的主人2.look after= take care of 照顾,照看,保管 3. read the book/newspaper/magazine 读(看)书、报纸、杂志 the first day 第一天( on the first day) in the morning/afternoon/evening; at night 在早晨、下午、晚上;晚上 苏教版初一英语知识点 over there 在那边 (补充: all over the world 全世界) 8.go swimming 去游泳 a swimming pool 一个游泳池 at the age of 在…岁的时候 =at age + 数字=at + 数字10.wear glasses xx live with sb in sp 和某人居住在某地 live with family in Beijing all the lessons 所有课程(all 三者或三者以上; 两者都用both) 13.12 years old =12-year-old student 12 岁 ( 的 ) 14.play+球类;play+the+乐器 play football ;play the piano after school 放学后 after class 下课后after-school activities 课外活动 be from = come from 来自 Where is he from? Where does he come from? tall and slim 又高又瘦 18.. be good at (doing) 擅长于 (= do well in) 苏教版初一英语知识点 in Class One,Grade Seven 七年级一班 like/ love doing sth 喜欢做某事表示习惯性动作like/love to do 表示一次性尝试或者想做还没有做的动作 He likes playing with her sisiter, but he likes to play with us today. 他(平时)喜欢和他姐姐玩,但今天他喜欢和我们一起玩。三、句子 1.How to look after your e-dog? 如何照顾你的电子狗? 2.Whats your name? My name is …/I am… 请问你叫什么名字? 我叫… 3.Lets/let us meet my new classmates. 让我们见见我的新同学4.Her hair is long.= She has long hair. 她的头发很长/她有长长的头发/她长着长头发。 She likes reading.= is her hobby. 她喜欢读书/读书是她的爱好。 Glad to see/meet you = Nice to see/meet you.很高兴见到你。 苏教版初一英语知识点 She is good at dancing.=She is a good dancer. = She dances well. 她擅长跳舞/她是个很好的舞者/她跳舞跳的很好。 8.I live with my family in . 我和我家人生活在xx I like all the lessons at . 我喜欢xx 中学的所有课程。 What/Which grade/class are you in? 你在哪里年级/班级? 四、其他 He puts on a coat. (动作)He wears a coat. (状态) 2.look vi. 看的动作或过程,接宾语要加at。Eg. Look at the pictures see vt. 看见,看到 Glad to see you. (see a doctor看医生; see a film/movie 看电影) wa


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