Unit 2 Reading and Thinking 人教版高中英语选择性必修第四册.pptx

Unit 2 Reading and Thinking 人教版高中英语选择性必修第四册.pptx

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Words reviewiconicfoundationpoliticaldidgeridoolocatedequatorkoalaadj. 符号的;图标的n. 创建;基础;地基adj. 政治的n. 迪吉里杜管adj. 位于n. 赤道n. 考拉;树袋熊Words reviewbakeryjointbutcherpremiern. 面包(糕饼)店;面包厂n.公共场所(尤指价格低廉的饮 食和娱乐场所);关节adj. 联合的;共同的n. 肉贩;屠夫;刽子手adj. 最著名的;第一的; 首要的n. 总理Words reviewherbdim simhollowvibratepitchstraightforwardslogann. 药草;香草;草本n. (特指澳大利亚的)点心adj. 中空的;空心的vt. vi.(使)振动n. 音高adj. 坦率的;简单的n. 标语;口号adj. (formal) acting as a sign or symbol of sth 符 号的;图标的;图符的;偶像的标志性的景点ICONIC ATTRACTIONSUnit 2 n. an interesting or lively place to go or thing to do 向往的地 方;有吸引力的事eg: tourist attraction旅游胜地 main attraction主要景点Experience the iconic features of AustraliaUnit 2 Reading and ThinkingWork in groups and discuss the questions:1 What is the first thing you think of when you think about Australia? * Australia lies between the Pacific and Indian oceans in the Southern Hemisphere. * The majority of Australians speaks English as their first language.* Famous scenic spots:· The Great Barrier Reef· Ayers Rock(艾尔斯巨石)* Australia is a nation of immigrants. * Australias capital is Canberra, and its largest city is Sydney. * The koala, is Australias national treasure and a rare and precious primitive animal in Australia. 2 What is your impression of Australia based on your experience and/or what you have seen in the media?beautifulamazingmulticulturalRead, analyse and finish the tasks as quickly as possible.Task 1Skim the text and choose the best answers.1 Where is the text most probably from? A. Part of a brochure. B. Blog. C. A newspaper. D. A guide book.I plan to keep this blog to record my experience and what I learn. (line1-2)2 How many blog entries are there in the text? A. 3 B. 5 C. 4 D. 2Date: 25 Sep; 1 Oct; 3 Oct; 6 Oct Task 2Match the blog entries to the subheadings. Write the blog entry numbers in the blanks. Two are extra.______ The foundation of Australia______ First impressions______ Reflections on multiculturalism______ Preparing to travel______ Political divisions______ Ab


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