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【 导语】⽆论在学习、⼯作或是⽣活中,⼤家对作⽂都不陌⽣吧,作⽂是经过⼈的思 考虑和语⾔组织,通过⽂字来表达⼀ 个主题意义的记叙⽅法。那么你知道⼀篇好的作⽂该怎么写吗?下⾯是整理的疫情对我们的影响英语作⽂,欢迎⼤家借鉴与参 考,希望对⼤家有所帮助。 【篇⼀】疫情对我们的影响英语作⽂   这⼏天我⾮常难过,因为本来我们是要去⼴州旅游的,就是因为武汉爆发的这个新型冠状病毒,害的我们不能去玩了。   Im very sad these days, because we were going to travel to Guangzhou. Because of the outbreak of this new coronavirus in Wuhan, we cant play anymore.   昨天晚上妈妈给我讲了这个新型冠状病毒的绘本,从⾥⾯我知道了这个病毒本来是长在野⽣动物⾝上的,但是因为有些⼈ 吃野⽣动物,捕杀野⽣动物,使这个新型冠状病毒跑到我们⼈类⾝上安家落户了。虽然这个病毒很危险,但是⼈们还是有办法 对付它的,尤其是那些医⽣们很努⼒地在治疗被感染的病⼈们,有的病⼈已经康复出院了。我和外公、外婆、爸爸、妈妈、弟 弟都待在家⾥,不敢出门,如果有⼈要出去买菜,我⼀定会提醒他:别忘了带上⼝罩!”   Last night, my mother told me about the picture book of the new coronavirus. I learned from it that the virus was originally grow n on w ild animals, but because some people eat w ild animals and kill w ild animals, the new coronavirus ran to our human beings and settled dow n. Although the virus is very dangerous, there are still ways to deal w ith it, especially those doctors w ho are working hard to treat the infected patients, some of w hom have recovered and left the hospital. I stay at home w ith my grandfather, grandmother, father, mother and brother. I dare not go out. If someone wants to go out to buy food, I w ill remind him: dont forget to put on the mask!   病毒给⼈类带来了很⼤的灾难,我 对⼤家说:加油!我们有办法对付这个病毒,我们⼀定会胜利的!”   The virus has brought great disaster to human beings. I want to say to you, come on! We have a way to deal w ith this virus, we w ill w in! 【篇⼆】疫情对我们的影响英语作⽂   这个新年过得有点恍惚,有点⽆奈,有点不够真实。   This new year is a bit of a trance, a little helpless, a little unrealistic.   新年的钟声敲响的那⼀刻,汽车在江曲线上由南向北⾏驶,路两侧不断有五彩斑斓的烟花升起和绽开。来到334红绿灯路 ⼝,忍不住瞥向窗外,在西北⽅向⽬光所及的地⽅,是⽼丈⼈家的⼩院⼦,今晚我本该在那⾥陪他⼩酌⼀杯的。   At the moment of the new years bell, the car drove from south to North on the river curve, and colorful fireworks rose and bloomed on both sides of the road. When I came to the 334 traffic light intersection, I couldnt help glancing out of the w indow . In the northwest direction, w here my eyes reached, i


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认真 负责 是我的态度

