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高考英语书面表达常见的十种“段落框架” 英语是“形合”语言,在高考阅卷过程中,结构 完整、层次清晰的段落由于其具备的各种优点,常常容易得到阅卷老师们的青睐。笔者认为,掌握各种常见段落的“框架”,有利于学生缩减构思时间、 提高写作效率,有利于高水平的发挥。在教学实战中,笔者发现,在学生学习英语的过程中,各种段落“框架”仿佛思想的地图,使学生能够“按图索骥”,从而清晰、明朗地将自己的观点准确、迅速地表达出来。 以下是高考英语书面表达中常见的十种“段落框架”,并附有详细的真题实例。对学生的口语表达 同样有很好的帮助。在文章的最后,笔者指出了段 落框架在使用过程中需要注意的三个问题,帮助学 生正确看待段落框架在书面和口语表达中的作用, 提高实践应用能力。 一、“解决问题”结构; 【第一段】提出问题 (“常见”型)写 sth很常见,并举例 It is a far from difficult task for us to see so many plastic bags in our lives./in society. For example, when we are going shopping, we always use plastic bags and throw them away as soon as we arrive at home. (“重要”型)写 sth 很重要,并举例 No one can deny the importance of being honest. For example , our parents and teachers taught us to be honest to our friends when we are young. 【第二段】 (“描述问题”型)写“However,出现了问题”, (提出问题、分析问题); However, it goes without saying that using plastic bags never fails to bring about a lot of troubles and headaches. First and foremost,... (3)Additionally,... (4)Last but not least,... 二、分析“重要性”结构; No one can deny the importance of being honest. First and foremost,... Additionally,... Last but not least... For example , our parents and teachers taught us to be honest to our friends when we were young. 三、“建议措施”结构; )In my opinion, effective and practical measures should be taken to control the phenomenon/improve the situation. For governments, stricter laws and more regulations can be made to regulate peoples and companies behaviour. ( 3 ) For the society, certain training and education are badly needed tomake people more responsible for the society. 四、“总结展望”结构; safely draw the conclusion that ...Only in safely draw the conclusion that ... Only in this way can our society be flooded with harmony and happiness. 五、“分析原因”结构; There are three main reasons for it. First and foremost,... Additionally,... Last but not least,... 六、“分析利弊”结构;(跨两段,中间一定要写“However,...”) 这种题型往往要求先说明一下现状,再对比事物本 身的利弊,有时也会单从一个角度(利或弊)出发, 最后往往要求考生表明自己的态度(或对事物前景 提出预测) 1. 说明事物现状 2. 事物本身的优缺点(或一方面) 3. 你对现状(或前景)的看法 第一段,描述现象,并分析其利。 T


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