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四大名词性从句会计学第1页/共30页brainstorming (2m)What kind of noun clauses are they?1. What it was to become was a mystery.2. I don’t know who will help Henry to win the bet.3. His trouble is that he doesn’t know anybody in London.4. The fact that ships can go there surprises many people.主语从句宾语从句表语从句同位语从句第2页/共30页名词性从句相当于一个名词作用的从句称作名词性从句,名词性从句常在复合句中作主语、宾语、表语和同位语。如:1. What it was to become was a mystery.2. I don’t know who will help Henry to win the bet.3. His trouble is that he doesn’t know anybody in London.4. The fact that ships can go there surprises many people.第3页/共30页subjective clause主语从句objective clause宾语从句noun clausespredicative clause表语从句appositive clause同位语从句第4页/共30页主语从句:做主语用的名词性从句,引导主语从句的有连词that ,whether, 连接代词who ,what ,which, 连接副词when,where, how, why等。位置: 1) 位于句首. 2) 位于句尾,使用it做形式主语,而把主从放在句末.(注意:形式主语只能用it,不能使用this/that)常用下面几种句型:1)It + be + 表语 (n./adj./done.)+that从句It is a fact (a shame/ pity/ good news/ impossible/likely…) that/whether…It’s a pity that you have to go so soon.It is still uncertain whether he is coming or not.第5页/共30页2)It + vi. + that从句It seemed (happened, doesn’t matter, has turned out) that… It seemed certain that he would win the prize.It happens that they were absent.3) It + be done + that从句It is known/said/hoped/believed…It has been decided that the exhibition will not open on Sundays.Does ___ matter if he can’t finish the job on time? A. this B. that C. he D. it第6页/共30页连接词: 1) 区分 that 与 whether ( if ) that 引导主从只起引导作用,无实际意义,在主从中不充当任何成分,但不能省略。That she left him cut him to the heart.whether(if)尽管不充当句子成分,但有”是否”意思,可加上”or not”,语意不变.但whether和if也有不同用法,如放在句首引导主从,只能用whether. Whether it will please them is not easy to say.第7页/共30页e.g.___ fashion differs from country to country may reflect the cultural differences from on aspect.What B. That C. This D. Which______ we’ll go camping tomorrow depends on the weather.A. If B. Whether C. That D. Where——————————————————————————————————————第8页/共30页It


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