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四六级写作模板会计学第1页/共50页3. 常见土单词排行榜:1)thinkhave been convinced thatbe of the opinion thatcling to the perspective thatmaintain contend assertargue assume claim第2页/共50页2) many a sea of multitudes of immense amounts of numerous innumerable plentiful 第3页/共50页3) people we us private individuals youngsters and teenagers all children and adults experts and professors parents kids offspring businessman university students第4页/共50页3) verypretty rather quiteexceedingly distinctlyoutstandingly remarkablyextraordinarily especially第5页/共50页4) important be of great significanceplay a key role in sthessential crucial critical indispensable第6页/共50页5)very quite pretty ratherextremely especiallyoutstandingly remarkablyexceedinglyextraordianrily 第7页/共50页6 写作无话可说时怎么办?一 举例:A although so abundant cases can support my simple view, the following one is most favorable.B examples to prove the view are abundant. The most persuasive one is the case of sb ; 第8页/共50页C this can be illustrated by the example of sb ; D such stimulating/ less impressive cases /stories are not rare in our daily life, yet the following one is definitely typical. 第9页/共50页举例:不要以貌取人:once i had a classmate named xiaocui and she is so short and fat. thus, almost everybody was laughing at her. until one day, she, in our English class , sang a beautiful song bravely while other students were just sitting there because of shyness. from then on, we knew that she was really brave and beautiful. the story tells that donot judge a person by his appearance. 第10页/共50页二 引用名人名言there seemed a well--known writer in japan who stated that sth is to human beings as water is to fish 或者“ sth is to human beings as nightmares are to poor kids.”第11页/共50页三 数据列举in accordance with an investigation by the department of social science in an esteemed university, an increasing amount of adolesents are of the opinion that sth , no wonder, is playing a key role in our daily study a


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