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五年高考英语读后续写真题试卷汇编 2021 年6 月新高考卷1 2021 年1 月八省联考4 2020 年7 月山东卷、海南卷6 1 月浙江卷8 2020 年7 月浙江卷10 2020 年1 月浙江卷11 2018 年6 月浙江卷13 2017 年11 月浙江卷14 2017 年6 月浙江卷17 2016 年10 月浙江卷18 2021 年6 月新高考卷 第二 (满分 25 分)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的 短文。 A MOTHERS DAY SURPRISE The twins were filled with excitement as they thought of the surprise they were planning for Mothers Day . How pleased and proud Mother would be when they brought her breakfast in bed. They planned to make French toast and chicken porridge. They had watched their mother in the kitchen . There was nothing to it . Jenna and Jeff knew exactly what to do. The big day aa.m .st .aa.m .a.m .a.m .rma.m .ga.m .a.m .a.m . The pair went down the stairs quietly to the kitchen . They decided to boil the porridge first . They put some rice into a pot of water and left it to boil while they made the French toast . Jeff broke two eggs into a plate and added in some milk . Jema found the bread and put two slices into the egg mixture. N ext, Jef turned on the second stove burner to heat up the frying pan . Everything was going smoothly until Jeff started frying the bread. The pan was too hot and the bread turned black within seconds. Jenna threw the burnt piece into the sink and put in the other slice of bread. This time, she turned down the fire so it cooked nicely . Then Jeff noticed steam shooting out of the pot and the lid starting to shake. The next minute, the porridge boiled over and put out the fire. Jenna panicked. Thankfully , Jeff stayed calm and turned off the gas quickly . But the stove was a mess now . Jenna told Jef to clean it up so they could continue to cook the rest of the porridge. But Jeffs hand touched the hot burner and he gave a cry of pain . Jenna made him put his hand in cold water . Then she caught the smell of burning. Oh dear !The piece of bread in the pan had turned black as well. 注意: 1.续写词数应为 150 左右: 2 .请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答 分析: 一



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