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PAGE PAGE 1 2020英语高考阅读备战:欧亨利小说经典解析 (生词解析) 版本一:英汉对照+生词注释 The Furnished Room Restless, shifting, fugacious【1】?as time itself is a certain vast bulk of the population of the red brick district of the lower West Side. Homeless, they have a hundred homes. They flit from furnished room to furnished room, transients【2】?forever — transients in abode, transients in heart and mind. They sing Home, Sweet Home in ragtime; they carry their ~lares et penates~ in a bandbox; their vine is entwined about a picture hat; a rubber plant is their fig tree. 带家具的房间 下西区有一片红砖楼,住在楼里的一大帮房客像时间一样永不停步,来去匆匆。他们处处无家,处处为家,从这间带家具的房间搬到那间带家具的房间,永远只是过客——不但住所无定,而且心绪、思想无定。他们把《家,幸福的家》这支歌唱得乱七八糟;他们的家神是搁在纸盒里提来提去的;他们没有葡萄藤,只是帽子上绕着装饰带,也没有无花果树,只有盆景。 Hence the houses of this district, having had a thousand dwellers, should have a thousand tales to tell, mostly dull ones, no doubt; but it would be strange if there could not be found a ghost or two in the wake of【3】?all these vagrant【4】?guests. 所以这一带房子里住过的房客上千,有得说的事也该上千。当然,大多数索然无味。不过,如果说这帮匆匆过客连一两件奇闻也没有,那又不可思议。 One evening after dark a young man prowled【5】?among these crumbling【6】?red mansions【7】, ringing their bells. At the twelfth he rested his lean hand-baggage upon the step and wiped the dust from his hatband and forehead. The bell sounded faint and far away in some remote, hollow depths. 一天天黑以后,一位年轻人在这片破败的红砖房中转着,按着门铃。来到第十二栋后,他把寒酸的手提包放在台阶上,掸去帽带上的灰,又揩揩额头。铃声很轻,是在隔得远远的、空荡荡的纵深处响。 To the door of this, the twelfth house whose bell he had rung, came a housekeeper who made him think of an unwholesome, surfeited【8】?worm that had eaten its nut to a hollow shell and now sought to fill the vacancy【9】?with edible【10】?lodgers【11】. 这一家(就是他按了铃的第十二家)的女房东来开了门,他一见不由想起了一条害虫,蛀光了果仁,已经吃饱了撑着,可还巴望有什么可吃的进到空果壳里来。 He asked if there was a room to let【12】. 他问有没有空房间。 Come in, said the housekeeper. Her voice came from her throat; her throat seemed lined with fur. I have the third floor back, vacant since a week back. Should you wish to look at it? “进来吧,”女房东说。她的声音是从喉管里发出的,而且喉管上似乎长了层苔,“三楼有一间


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