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英语课堂用语400句 一、Getting the pupils ready for classIts time for class,上课时间到了。 Lets begin our lesson.我们开始上课。 Stand up, please!请起立! Good morning, boys and girls!大家早上好! I will teach you English this term.这学期将由我教你们英语。 I am a teacher trainee.我是一位实习老师。 Good morning, teacher!老师早上好! Good afternoon, class!同学们下午好! Good afternoon, teacher!老师,下午好! Sit down, please.请坐。 Have you got anything to report to the class, monitor?班长,你有什么向班级汇报 的吗? Who is absent today?今天谁缺席了? Zhang Ming is absent.张明缺席了。 Is everyone here?都出席了吗Everyone is here except Li Ning.除了李宁,全都到了。 Why is he absent?他为什么缺席? He is ilL He has asked for sick leave.他病了,他已请了病假。 Are you a new pupil?你是新同学吗? Allow me to introduce myself, please,请允许我自我介绍一下。 Where are you from?你从那里来? I am from Beijing.我来自北京。 Whats this in English?用英语怎么说? It is a tiger.它是只虎。 Do you have a dictionary?你有词典吗? Can you use the English-Chinese dictionary?你会英汉词典吗? Look up the word in the dictionary.在词典上查一查这个词。 Have you got a pen?你有钢笔吗? Dont forget to bring your pen next time .下次别忘记带钢笔来。 Be careful with your ink.留神墨水。 Who knows how to operate the computer?谁知道怎样操作计算机? Who can tell us a story in English?谁能用英语给我们讲个故事? Today we will read and explain the ne words in Lesson 9 first, then we,11 work on the text.今天我们先朗读和解释第九课生词,然后学课文。 Let us do some listening prctice.让我们来做听力练习。 Lets start our vocabulary work.我们开始词汇学习。 This word has the same form in the singular as in the plural.这个词单位单复 数形式相同。 This word can be used either as a verb or as a noun.这个词既可作动词,又可作 名词。 How do you spell this word?如何拼写这个词? This word comes from Latin.这个词来自拉丁语。 Could you tell me the difference between the two words?能告诉我这两个词有什 么不同吗? You can guess the meaning of the word from the context.你可从上下文猜出这个 词的意思。 This sentence is American English.这句话是美国英语。 Can you mak a sentence with this word?你能用这个词造句吗? Please say something about this picture.请谈谈这幅画。 Whats the title of the story?故事的标题是什么? This text is selected from a novel.这篇课文选自一部小说。 Let me tell you something about the background of the article.我将告诉你们一 些有关



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