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a 中医 Traditional Chinese Medicine ◎Chinese Medicine’s history ◎Introduction of TCM ◎The philosophy of Chinese Medicine ◎The famouse heralist doctor in history ◎Comparision between Western Medicine and TCM ◎Traditional Chinese Medicine knowledge Chinese Medicine’s history As we all know,Chinese Medicine is a medical culture with a history of 5000 years. It has formed a deep and immernse knowledge of medical science,theory,diagnostic methods,prescripeions and cures. Four basic diagnostic methods:Observing,Auscultation and Olfaction,Interrogation,Pulse taking and palpation. Three derivations about Chinese Medicine 圣源说〔Sheng Yuan Shuo):黄帝?黄帝内经? 神创说〔Creationism Say〕:伏羲制九针,神农尝百草 巫源说〔Wu source):即医巫不分说,?世本? ●Diagnostic Method of CM LOOK〔望〕 SMELL〔闻〕 ASK〔问〕 PALPATION(切) Introduction of TCM ●Moxibustion(艾灸〕 Moxibustion is a traditiaonal therapy utillzing moxa(艾蒿〕or mugwort.Mugwort is aged and grouped up to a fluff.Then the fluff is further processed into a stick that resembles a cigar and it is used to warm areas of the body and acupuncture points. The philosophy of Chinese Medicine 阴阳说:The human body’s life is the result of the balance of Yin and Yang. 五行说:Chinese medicine is based on WuXing Say:金〔Jin),木〔Mu),水(Shui) ,火〔Huo),土(Tu〕 元气说:The world is made of air. 天人合一说:“人与天地相应,与四时相副〞 The famous herbalist doctor in history The famouse heralist doctor in history Bian Que Sun Simiao Bian Que Bian Que (Chinese: 扁鹊; Wade-Giles: Pien Chüeh; the characters of his name are also often pronounced Bian Qiao, Wade-Giles: Pien Chiao) was, according to legend, the earliest known Chinese physician (ca. 500 B.C.). His real name is said to be Qin Yueren (Simplified Chinese: 秦越人), but his medical skills were so amazing that the people gave him the same name as the legendary doctor Bian Que, from the time of Huang Di. The tomb of Bian Que 扁鹊见蔡桓公 Bian Que met with Cai Huangong 起死回生 Bian Que make the dead come back to life Sun simiao ?Sun Simiao, (581-682) was a famou


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