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皮带输送机设计 沈阳理工大学学士学位论文 摘 要 本设计为带式输送机的设计,以低制造成本、结构简便、安全可靠为设计宗旨,在采用传统的带式输送机的设计方法、设计数据的同时采用了部分先进的新型带式输送机的计算方法及计算数据。 本设计在托辊组选型设计部分,通过对带式输送机托辊组间距的合理确定及优化布置,大大减少了托辊组用量。承载段托辊组由原来的1000组减少到400组,回程段也相应地由原来的500组减少到200组,极大地降低了制造成本、维护成本,简化了结构,提高了运行的可靠性。 拉紧装置设计部分,通过分析研究各种拉紧装置的优缺点来设计拉紧装置。把重锤车式拉紧和绞车拉紧结合起来使用,在不提高成本的基础上综合了两种拉紧方式的优越性。 带式输送机驱动装置配置过高是一种资源浪费,而配置过低又会严重影响输送机寿命,所以选择合理的驱动装置、降低维修工作量和运营成本是选择驱动装置的关键。本设计综合分析研究了几种驱动装置的优缺点,合理选配了Y型电动机+调速型液力偶合器+减速器型驱动装置。 了解和掌握带式输送机输送带跑偏原因及纠偏方法,对保证带式输送机的安全运行是非常重要的。本设计调偏装置设计部分就以上问题分析了输送带跑偏的原因及调偏原理并提出了解决跑偏的有效措施。 关键词:带式输送机;托辊间距;拉紧;驱动;调偏 I 沈阳理工大学学士学位论文 Abstract This design is the design of the belt conveyer, concentrate on low manufacturing costs, simple structure and reliable design which have adopted enumerated data and the design method of advanced belt conveyers while adopting design data and the design method of the belt conveyer of tradition. Design in the part of bearing roller selecting , greatly reduced the quantity of bearing roller groups by the reasonably determine and optimization arrange of across block of bearing roller groups. The bearing groups from 1000 groups of original decreasing go to 400 groups, the section of return trip also goes to 200 groups correspondingly by 500 groups of original decreasing. In pull installation design part, select pull installation design by analysis advantages and shortcomings of various pull installation. Combine hammer vehicle pull installation to winch pull without increasing cost, as a result, synthesized the superities of both two. It’s a kind of resource waste to use high disposition of actuating device for belt conveyer, but low disposition would serious influence conveyer life, so select actuating device reasonably is very important. At last choose the motor of Y model + hydraulic coincidence ware of speed adjustment + gear reducer as actuating devices. Belt conveyer is a main transport equipment, analyses the reasons of conveyer belt off tracking, puts forward improving measures and pre


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