《WTO Rules and Operations》课程实施方案(教学大纲).docx

《WTO Rules and Operations》课程实施方案(教学大纲).docx

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《WTO Rules and Operations(Bilingual)》课程实施方案 1. Course Information Course Name: WTO Rules and Operations(Bilingual) Course Code: Course Credit: Course Hours: Pre-requisites?Course: Principles of Economics 2. Course Team and Lecturer Information (1)Lecturer Information (2)Assistant Teacher Information 3. Course Materials (1)Textbook e.g, 1. Author Name, International Business, edition 4th, published by Tsinghua University, 2012(11) Zhang Xuesen, Patterson, legal rules of the WTO(英文版),复旦大学出版社,2008年11月 (2)References e.g, 1. Author Name, International Trade, edition 4th, published by China Machine Press, 2011(6) 王文先、王孝松,《WTO规则与案例》,清华大学出版社,2007年06月 (3)Reading Materials (Literatures, Study Case, Data Set, etc.) 栾信杰,反倾销损害分析的经济学方法及其应用[J],外国经济与管理,1998(11) 鲍晓华,反倾销措施的贸易救济效果评估[J],经济研究,2007(2) Bernard M. Hoekman, The Political Economy of the World Trading System: The WTO and beyond, Oxford University Press, 2002 Jackson, John H. Sovereignty, the WTO, and Changing Fundamentals of International Law, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006 Mitsuo Matsushita, Thomas J. Schoenbaum, Petros C. Mavroidis, The World , Organization: Law Practice, and Policy, Oxford University Press, 2006 Hoekman, Bernard, 2006, Trade in Services, Trade Agreements and Economic Development: A Survey of the Literature, CEPR Discussion Paper Markusen, James, 1989, Trade in Producer Services and in Other Specialized Intermediate Inputs, American Economic Review, 79, pp.85-95 Francois, J., and Schuknecht, L., 2000, International Trade in Financial Services, Competition, and Growth Performance, Centre for International Economic Studies, No.6 Papers from American Economics Review、Journal of International business studies、Journal of world business、Journal of International Economics、经济研究、管理世界、世界经济、国际贸易问题、世界经济研究, etc. (4)Course Resources (Center office of course: 6) 4. Course Description (1)Course Abstract This course is designed to introduce students to the development of the World Trade Organiza


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