词汇积累200题巧记3500词 10.docx

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【词汇积累】200题巧记3500词 10(完) 181. Believe it ___________ not, although every one claims that they judge products ___________ the quality rather than the package, attractive wrappings still have a ___________ (magic) effect that consumers will buy well-wrapped products. 信不信由你,虽然每个人都宣称他们判断商品是靠质量而非包装,但是吸引眼球的包装仍有一种神奇的效果,即消费者会买一些包装精美的商品。 182. The issues that we can’t hope to solve without an increasing public ___________ (aware) and concern are pollution, species extinction, increase of wilderness, and ___________ (lose) of farmland and soil. 没有日益增加的公众意识和关注,我们是无法解决污染、物种灭亡、荒地增加、农田和土地的流失的问题的。 183. Some 2,000 cherry trees ___________ (transplant) from Japan to China in the 1970s as a ___________ (symbolize) of friendship between two countries, half of which have already bloomed, are reported to be able to attract more people to smell them in late April. 上世纪70年代,象征两国友谊的2000棵樱桃树从日本移植到了中国,其中的一半已经盛开。这些樱花树将在4月下旬吸引更多的人来赏花。 184. The park has a wide lake ___________ (spot) with boats moving on the surface and it also has a quiet tree-lined winding road along which many benches ___________ (furnish). Such a park is likely to be an everlasting place to go on a date. 宽阔的湖面上星星点点的小舟,宁静的沿途有树的蜿蜒小道上,放置了许多的长凳,这样的公园可能永远是约会的好去处。 185. Though ___________ (suffer) from the stomach cancer, the unselfish teacher just ___________ (slight) sighed and persisted in ___________ (greet) every day. 尽管深受胃癌折磨,这位无私的教师只是轻轻叹了口气,并坚持面对每一天。 186. This shared pattern between chimpanzees and humans could represent an adaptive ___________ (respond) where older adults focus ___________ important social relationships that provide benefits and avoid interactions that have negative consequences as they lose ___________ (compete) fighting ability. 黑猩猩和人类之间的这种共有的模式可能代表了一种适应性反应,即老年人专注于重要的社会关系,这些关系提供好处,并避免因失去竞争性战斗能力而产生不利后果的互动。 187. When you notice you’re being hard on yourself or thinking very ___________ (negative), take a step back and question the ___________ (think) you’re having. 当你发现自己对自己很苛刻或非常消极地思考时,请退后一步,质疑你的想法。 188. We


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