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Fun facts about our body 用英语学手工制作 ,用英语学趣味百科 ,用英语学文化知识 ,英语为我们打开更 宽阔的视野 ,带我们走进奇妙的万千世界 。 读一读 ,学一学 。 Fun facts about our body T he human is an amaz ing t hing ! Here are some interest ing f acts about our body. 1. Our brain is about 2% of the bodys weight. It is made up of around 73% water. 2. Our tongue is the strongest muscle in the body. There are over 8,000 taste buds on the tongue. They can help us taste food better. Word List interesting 有趣的 brain 大脑 weight 重量 muscle 肌肉 tongue 舌头 taste buds 味蕾 Fun facts about our body 3. Our hearing is the most sensitive human sense in general. Wed better shout out to get someones attention than j ust waving. 4 . Our big toes carry roughly 40% of t he body s weight . W hen we take a step, we shift the weight onto the feet . It is funny that the big toe only has two toe bones. While other toes have three bones. Word List wave 挥手 hearing 听觉 sensitive 敏感的 shout out 大喊 big toe 大脚趾 attention 注意力 基础练一练 一 、给下列句子选择正确的图片 。 ( ) 1. The brain is made up of around 73% water. ( ) 2. There are over 8,000 taste buds on the tongue. Our hearing is the most sensitive human sense in ( ) 3. general. ( ) 4. Our big toes carry roughly 40% of the body s weight. A B C D 基础练一练 二 、结合短文内容 ,回答下列问题 。 1 What is the percent of water in our brain A . 2% B. 40% C. 73% 2 What can help us taste food better A . The brain. B. The taste bud


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