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Penguins facts 用英语学手工制作 ,用英语学趣味百科 ,用英语学文化知识 ,英语为我们打开更 宽阔的视野 ,带我们走进奇妙的万千世界 。 读一读 ,学一学 。 Penguins facts Flightless seabirds Penguins are seabirds but t hey can not f ly . They mainly live in t he Southern Hemisphere and spend half their lives in water, and on land. Speedy swimmers Penguins dont have w ings, but t hey have f lippers and streamlined bodies. They feed on f ish and krill. So they need to sw im fast . They can move at speeds of around 35km/h. Word List flightless 无法飞的 seabird 海鸟 penguin 企鹅 land 陆地 speedy 高速的 flipper 鳍 krill 磷虾 swim 游泳 Penguins facts Excellent walkers Penguins walk upright. Many penguins can walk very long distances to t heir nests or dest inat ion. Despite t hey seem to waddle w hile walking, they are even faster than humans. Ways to keep warm Pe ng uins hav e t hic k lay ers of f eat he rs a nd f at . T hey ca n a lso produce special oil. They spread it over their feathers to keep warm. Word List walk 行走 waddle 摇摆地走 feather 羽毛 spread 涂 ,敷 基础练一练 一 、给下列句子选择正确的图片 。 ( ) 1. Penguins walk faster than human beings. ( ) 2. Penguins live in water and on land. ( ) 3. Penguins spread the oil over their feathers to keep warm. ( ) 4. Penguins can swim fast. A B C D 基础练一练 二 、结合短文内容 ,回答下列问题 。 1 Where do penguins live (多选) A . In water. B. On land. C. In the forest. 2 What do penguins feed on A . Leaves and grass. B. Fish and kril


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