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;Lead-in;Lead-in;Text;Text;Text;Some of the books he wrote or edited: The Literary Animal: Evolution and the Nature of Narrative (2005) The Rape of Troy: Evolution, Violence and the World of Homer (2008) Literature, Science and a New Humanities (2008) Evolution, Literature and Film: A Reader (2010) – co-edited with Brian Boyd and Joseph Carroll. Graphing Jane Austen: The Evolutionary Basis of Literary Meaning (2012). Co-authored with Joseph Carroll, John A. Johnson, and Daniel Kruger. The Storytelling Animal: How Stories Make us Human (2012) The Professor in the Cage: Why Men Fight and Why We Like to Watch (2015) The Story Paradox: How Our Love of Storytelling Builds Societies and Tears Them Down (2021) ; Why Fiction Is Good for You Jonathan Gottschall 1 Is fiction good for us? We spend huge chunks of our lives immersed in novels, films, TV shows, and other forms of fiction. Some see this as a positive thing, arguing that made-up stories cultivate our mental and moral development. But others have argued that fiction is mentally and ethically corrosive. It’s an ancient question: Does fiction build the morality of individuals and societies, or does it break it down? ;2 This controversy has been flaring up—sometimes literally, in the form of book burnings—ever since Plato tried to ban fiction from his ideal republic. In 1961, FCC Chairman Newton Minow famously said that television was not working in “the public interest.” And what he said of TV programming has also been said, over the centuries, of novels, theater, comic books, and films. 3 Until recently, we’ve only been able to guess about the actual psychological effects of fiction on individuals and society. But new research in psychology and broad-based literary analysis is finally taking questions about morality out of the realm of speculation. ;4 This research consistently shows that fiction does mold us. The more deeply we are cast under a story’s spell, the more potent its influence. In fact, fiction se



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