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一、A little bird was flying south for the winter. It was so cold,the bird froze and fell to the ground in a large field.While it was lying there, a cow came by and dropped some dung on it. As the frozen bird lay there in the pile of cow dung, it began to realize how warm it was. The dung was actually thawing him out! He lay there all warm and happy and soon began to sing A passing cat heard the bird singing and came to investigate.Following the sound, the cat discovered the bird under the pile of cow dung and promptly dug him out and ate him! 一只小鸟飞往南方去过冬,天气实在太冷了,这只小鸟被冻僵了。掉到了一块田地里。当它僵硬地躺在那里,一头牛走了过来,拉了一堆牛粪在它身上。冻僵的小鸟躺在这堆牛粪里,便开始有了意识,渐渐的意识到躺在那里有多暖和。这堆牛粪的确令它苏醒过来,它躺在上面又暖 和又快乐,一会儿便欢乐的唱起歌来。一只路过的猫听到鸟的歌声便过来探个究竟,寻声而来, 猫发现了在这堆牛粪下的小鸟,便很快将它挖出来吃掉了。 该篇故事的寓意是: 不是所有说你坏话的人都是你的敌人。(不是所有往你身上拉牛粪的人都是你的敌人) 不是所有帮你解围的人都是你的朋友。(不是所有将你从牛粪里拉出来的人都是你的朋友) 在你还没有完全摆脱困境时,别得意忘形。(当你还没有从粪堆里出来时,把嘴闭上) 二、An ox, grazing in a swampy meadow, chanced to set his foot among a parcel of young frogs, and crushed nearly the whole brood to death .One that escaped ran off to his mother with the dreadful news.and ,oh ,mother !said he ,it was a beast -such a big four footed beast!-that did it .Big? quoth the old frog , How big? Was it as big -- and she puffed herself out to a great degree-as big as this ?oh!said the little one ,a great deal bigger than that .well, was it so big ?and she swelled herself out yet mere .Indeed ,mother ,but it was ,and of you were to burst yourself you would never reach half its size.provoked at such a disparagement of her powers, the old frog made one more trial ,and burst herself indeed. So men are ruined by attempting greatness to which they have no claim. 译文: 一头牛在一快泥泞的草地上吃草,偶然把脚踏在一堆小青蛙当中,几乎把所有的幼蛙踩死。脱险的一个带着这可怕的消息跑到他母亲那里去了。啊,母亲!他说是一只野兽-那样一只 有四只脚的大野兽-踩的。大吗?老青蛙说。多大?她股足了气把自己胀得大大的说:他像 这样的吗?啊!小青蛙说,比那大多了。哦,有这么大吗?她鼓着气胀地更大了。真的,母亲,但确实如此,即使你胀破了自己,也不够他一半大。老青蛙看到自己的力气受到轻视很是 激怒,于是又鼓了一下气,果然这次胀破了自己。 妄自尊大的人必将自取灭亡的。 三、Hercules and the Wagoner A carter was driving a wagon along a country lane, when the wheels s


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