SMT MRB运作流程V.1.0 工厂文件.doc

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文件名称:MRB运作流程 文件编号:XXXXXXXXXX 生效日期:XXXXXX 版本号:V1.0 责任部门:质量部 页码: PAGE 7/ NUMPAGES 7 MRB运作流程作业指导书 修 订 履 历 版本 修订概要 修订日期 修订者 审 核 批 准 V1.0 初版发行 XXX XXX XX XXX 1. 目的Purpose 本程序规定对来料检验及生产过程中发现的不合格物料、包括原材料, 半成品及成品的控制、评审及处置方法。 To establish a procedure for reviewing and disposing non-conforming materials or products, including raw materials , ??semi-assembly, finished goods found during incoming inspection, production and other area. 2.范围 Scope 本程序适用于所有原材料、半成品及成品。This procedure is applicable to raw materials,?? semi-assembly, finished goods 3.定义 Definition ?序号 No 名称 Name 定义 Definition 001 特采UAI 不符合标准修订,经过申请与核准,予以限度条件使用,称为特采 Not meet the standard material, after application and approved,? limit the conditions of use, known as UAI 002 挑选 Sorting 对判定不合格的原材料、半成品、成品,对不合格项目予以100%全检,以区分不良品与良品,称为挑选 100% check non-conforming raw materials、semi-assembly、finish goods , so called Sorting 003 返工Re-work 对部份不良品可用重新加工或维修的方式,予以修理使其成为符合规格之产品,称为返工Repair or reprocess on the part of defective products, be repaired to become in line with the specifications of the product, known as rework 004 报废 scarp 对判定不合格的原材料、半成品、成品无法重工且又不符合特采之原则,经一定的程序给予销毁及除账 For NG(not good) raw materials、semi-assembly、finish goods, if it cannot be rework and cannot be special adopted, should be destructed and write-off by a certain procedure 005 退货Return 已知物料无法依3.1~3.4处理时则退回供应商处理 Return the material to supplier when it cannot be treated as 3.1~3.4 006 MRB团队MRB Team SQE、QE及生产部、工程部、研发部、计划物控部、物料交付部的工程师级或以上级别成员 SQE、QE and engineers or high grade members from Production、RD、PLAN、Delivery department 4.测评指标 ?Evaluation Index 无None 5.关键角色及应负责任? Key roles Responsibility 序号No 角色(对应的岗位)Role(Corresponding post) 应负责任 Responsibility 001 IQC 负责来料检验、物料品质异常反馈、不合格来料评审报告相关信息填写与MRB结案状况跟进 Responsible for incoming material control、feedback abnormal quality of material 002 SQE 负责确认物料不良现象并联络供应商改善 Responsible for review the non-conforming material and contact supplier to improve 003 计划工程师 Plan engineer 负责对物料需求状况进行评估,跟催客供料MRB签署与物料处置决议 Responsible for


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