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通知行,Advising Bank/ Notifying Bank. Advising bank is the bank located in the exporter’s country who informs the exporter that a letter of credit have been opened in his favor and transfers the L/C to the exporter. It is usually the correspondent of the issuing bank.  通知银行是指接受开证行的委托,通知出口方信用证已开出并将信用证转交出口人的银行。该银行通常是开证行的代理行。 议付行,Negotiation Bank/Honoring Bank. Negotiating bank is the bank who buys an exporter’s draft submitted to it under a letter of credit and then forwards the draft and documents to the opening bank for reimbursement. Usually the advising bank is also the negotiation bank. 议付银行指买入出口人交来的跟单汇票并将汇票和单据寄送进口地开证行以索回款项的银行。通常通知行也就是议付行。  付款行,Paying Bank/Drawee Bank. Paying bank is the bank that makes payment to the beneficiary against presentation of stipulated documents. It is usually the opening bank but can also be a third designed bank.  付款行即在所规定的单据被出示时向受益人付款的银行。付款行一般就开证行,当然也可能是被指定的第三家银行。 偿付行,Reimbursing Bank,通常为开证行本身,负责向议付偿还依附行预先垫付的货款。 保兑行,Confirming Bank,即对开证行所开立的信用证进行保兑的银行。国际贸易中,通常以通知行作为保兑行。 第二节 英文信用证的语言特点 一、信用证中常见的议付有效期和到期地点的描述: 1、直接写明到期日和到期地点名称 Expiry date: March.07, 2004 in the country of the beneficiary for negotiation. 此信用证的有效期: 2004年3月7日前,在受益人国家议付有效。 Expiry date: May.06,2004 Place CHINA. 信用证到期日:2004年5月6日,地点:中国 2、以“交单日期”、“汇票日期”等来表达信用证的有效期限 This credit shall cease to be available for negotiation of beneficiary’s drafts after Mar.08, 2004. 本信用证受益人的汇票在2004年3月8日前议付有效。 Bill of exchange must be negotiated within 15 days from the date of Bill of Lading but not later than 05.May, 2004. 汇票须自提单日期起15天内议付,但不得迟于2004年5月6日。 二、信用证的金额和币制 (Amount and Currency of Credit) 信用证的金额和币制是信用证的核心内容,在信用证中的表达方式大致相似: Amount USD2,000.00 金额,美元2,000.00元 For an amount USD……. 美元金额………元 A sum not exceeding total of USD……. 总金额不超过………美元 Up to an aggregate amount of USD…….. 总金额…………美元 三、信用证中常见的汇票条款 This credit is available with any Bank in China by negotiation drafts at sight Drawee Hongkong a


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