新概念英语第三册 Lesson50 New Year Resolutions 课件.pptx

新概念英语第三册 Lesson50 New Year Resolutions 课件.pptx

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新概念英语第三册;Lesson 50 New Year Resolutions;contents;Part 1 Warming up;resolution n. 决心 make a resolution to do sth. 下定决心做某事 resolve to do 决心做某事 It is their resolution that…(should) do 他们决心… I made a resolution to lose weight. It is their resolution that a new library should be built in the school.;resolve v. 决 定 resolve to do sth. 决定做某事 =resolve on doing sth. He resolved not to tell her the truth. =He resolved on not telling the truth. 他决定不告诉她真相。;Part 2 Words and expressions;New Words;New Words;New Words;New Words;achieve,attain;Hypnotize ;Resolution ;Resolution ;Resolute ;Mentally ;Compile ;Formidable ;Occur ;Regularity ;Accomplish ;Attain ;Achieve ;Accomplishment ;Achievement ;Inveterate ;Self-improvement ;Scheme ;Ambitious ;Pitfall ;Modest ;Assiduously ;Frame ;Betray ;Troop ;Taunt ;Jeer ;Scoff ;Good-humouredly;Wane ;Hypnotize ;Part 3 Notes on text ;1. The New Year is a time for resolutions. Mentally, at least, most of us could compile formidable lists of dos and donts. The same old favorites recur year in year out with monotonous regularity. 新年是下决心的时候,至少在大多数人的心里会编排出一份“应做什么”和“不应做什么”的令人生畏的单子。相同的决心以单调的规律年复一年地出现。;compile v. 编写,编纂 The book took 10 years to compile. 这本书花了10年编写。 You can compile code and run it in any scope or its default scope. 您可以编译代码并且在任意范围或默认范围里执行它。;formidable adj. 令人生畏的,难以接近的 a formidable task 艰难的任务 a formidable obstacle 难以翻越的障碍 a formidable opponent 一个令人生畏的对手 a formidable enemy 一个令人生畏的敌人;dos and don’ts n. 要做的事和不要做的事,注意事项 dos and don’ts of Chinese New Year 中国新年禁忌 The children’s life there consists of don’ts instead of does. 孩子们的生活中充满了不该做的,而不是该做的。;recur v. 复发,重现 Once the drugs are stopped, symptoms typically recur. 一旦停止用药,症状就会复发。 A terrible mistake recurs in his work. 一个严重的错误在他的作品中反复出现。 A nightmare recurred to me. 一个噩梦又出现了。;year in year out =every year/all the time 年复一年地 day in day out 日复一日地 week in week out 周而复始地 Year in year out the birds flew to the South for the winter. 这些鸟儿年复一年地飞去南方过冬。 You will succeed if your time is held tight by hard wor


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