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Writing part 1 常用句型 表明写信目的 I am writing to you because I ... . Are you free on ...? I ... 发出邀请 I think it will be fun/ interesting/exciting. Would you like to come? 寻求帮助 It’s too difficult for me. Could you please help me with it? 这对我来说太难了,你能帮助我吗? Can you give me some advice? Please write back to me. 你能给我一些建议吗?请给我回信。 I have some trouble in … . Do you have any good ideas? 我在……方面有一些困难,你有什么好主意吗? 结尾 I hope to see you here. I am looking forward to hearing from you. Let me know if you want to go! 回信 Thank you for your massage/letter/e-mail.感谢你的来信。 I am happy to hear from you. 非常开心收到你的来信。 Thank you for your invitation. I am really interested in… 感谢你的邀请,我对……确实很感兴趣。 Thank you for your invitation, but I am afraid that I couldn’t come. Because I am not free on that day. 感谢你的邀请,但是我恐怕不能去,因为我那天没空。 I am happy to hear the news that… 我很高兴听到这个消息。 I am sorry to hear the news that … 我很遗憾听到这个消息。 Part 2 第一步:写大纲(具体到每一幅图) When: Where: What: Who: How: 第二步:写正文 用过去时!!!! When It was Sunday morning/afternoon/evening. It was summer holiday. It was a sunny/rainy day. It was spring Festival/Mid-autumn Festival/Dragon Boat Festival… Where On the Playground At the Cinema At the Theatre At the Shopping centre At a Snack bar At a Restaurant In the Park In the garden At bus station At train station On the beach Mountain Café At home At the Library At the Book store At the Museum In the kitchen What Waited for the bus Shopped Packed up luggage Looked for books Watched a film Visited Drank coffee Cooked Drove a car Read books Went jogging Went hiking Traveled Had a trip Rode a bike Planted some tree Introduced Invited Arrived Carried the bag Had breakfast/lunch/dinner How interesting exciting boring tired wonderful grateful difficult terrible upset angry sick … had a good/wonderful time on… It’s a sunny/rainy day. The weather was fine. He was very excited/ tired/ bored. This trip was interesting/ exciting/ funny/boring He was grateful for uncle Jim’s help. They enjoyed the meal/trip/film/play/


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