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PAGE1 / NUMPAGES9 2023河南版英语中考 组合训练三 完形填空+选择型阅读+任务型阅读40分钟45分 Ⅰ.完形填空   “Whats this?” Bob asked, pointing at a wooden box on the sidewalk (人行道). The sign on it said Little Free Library. “Ive heard of those,” Bobs elder sister Lily said. “People make them and put books  1 . Other people take away the books they want and add the  2  theyve already read.”? “I want to make something like that,”said Bob. “For kids to exchange books.” “What if(要是……会怎么样)it doesnt work?” Lily asked. “Why wouldnt it  3 ?” asked Bob. Lily shrugged(耸肩),“Maybe kids wont notice it,or maybe they wont want to  4  their books.” ? “Id like to try anyway,”Bob said. “Will you help me make one?”“Sure,”said Lily. “Ill also ask Dad for  5 .”? Bob ran inside to collect books while Lily talked to Dad. With Dads help, they  6  a wooden box. They put a door on it and attached(把……固定)the box to a post(桩). Then they dug a hole in their front yard and lifted the post into the hole. ? Bob put the books inside the box and closed the  7 . “Now I just have to wait,”he said. Three times that day, Bob ran outside to check.  8  each time, his books were the only ones inside.? For the next few days, Bob  9  the box again and again. However, his books were still there. “I guess you were right, Lily,” Bob said. “No kids want to exchange books.” “I know you really wanted your  10  to work, Bob,” Lily said. “Im sorry it didnt.”? The next two days, Bob didnt check the box.“Arent you going to check your little  11 , Bob?” Lily asked. “Maybe  12  decided to exchange. You can go and have a look.”? Bob walked slowly to the box. He opened the door. His books were gone. Instead, the box was  13  with new books. “Wow, it worked!” Bob shouted excitedly.? Indeed,it was Lily who helped her brother Bob.She called all the  14  kids in the neighbourhood and asked them to tell their younger sisters and brothers.? Bobs idea worked  15 . He was very lucky to have new books to read—and a very good sister.? 1.A.inside   B.outside   C.forward 


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