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- -- - . -可修- . . z. - -- . -可修- . 摘 要 循环流化床燃烧技术是20世纪80年代在锅炉上得以成功应用的一种清洁煤燃烧技术。由于它有高效、低污染、煤种适应性强等特点,在很多国家都得到了重视。我国自从上个世纪开场开展它,目前这种技术已相当成熟。 本文主要针对240T/H循环流化床锅炉的设计过程进展阐述。本设计中先进展了无脱硫工况及脱硫工况的燃料消耗量跟烟气量计算,随后进展了脱硫计算、热力计算、构造计算和烟气阻力计算等,在热力计算中,利用相似原理,采用逐步逼近的方法,进展迭代计算,确定了炉膛,汽冷旋风别离器和回料器的尺寸。循环流化床锅炉燃用的是烟煤,挥发性较高,故炉膛里采用前后墙对冲燃烧。炉膛底部使用水冷布风板,用以支持静态床料和保证气流的分布均匀。 本次设计的锅炉额定蒸发量240t/h,炉膛截面积52.878m2 关键词:循环流化床锅炉 脱硫 热力计算 构造分析  Abstract The circulating fluidized bed (CFB) burning technology is a kind of clean coal burning technology which started from 1980s.For its high efficient, the low pollution and strong suitability for many coals,many countries have paid attention to the development of CFBB. Our country started the study of CFBB since1980’s .Now, This essay elaborates the design process of 240T/H circulating fluidized bed boiler. In this design,I made a calculation of the without desulfurizationcondition, the status of desulfurization of fuel consumption and bustion flue gas.Then, I carried out the desulfurization calculation, thermodynamic calculation, strength calculation, the smoke and wind resistance calculation. In the thermodynamic calculation, It should be emphasized that similarity criterion and successive appro*imation method with iterative puting are used in determine the size of furnace, steam cold cyclone, recycling collector.As the boiler busts bituminous coal,I choose swirl burners laying distribution board which can support the solid fueland ensure the uniform airflow. The efficiency of the boiler is 240t and the sectional area is 52.878m2. It can be seen from the calculating result that the enti



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