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英语选修6译林牛津Un i t4寒假作业及答案(2020—2020)高二年级英语寒假作业(七) (模块六单元四) (作业用时:100分钟 ) 一、单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)As the percentage of young people working in paid jobs increased, their time devoted to work decreased. voluntaryB. ordinaryC. necessaryD. primary2.1 had an important unexpected guest; otherwise Iyour wedding anniversary last night. would attendB. would have attended C. attendedD. had attendedHis legs were brokenthe injuries to his face and hands. exceptB. besideC. apart fromD. except forThe woman didnt answer me, but instead looked away and acted as though sheme. hadnt heardB. wouldnt hear C. didnt hearD. wouldnt have heardThanks to his effort, much attentionto the miserable workingof the coalminers. put; surrounding B. attracted; state C. was paid; situation D. was drawn; conditionFarmers have to more workers during the harvest and even so, some of them usually after the harvest. take on; break down B. take on; break up C. take off; break down D. take off; break up the Internet is bridging the distance between people, it may also be breaking some homes or will cause other family problems. WhenB. WhileC. IfD. AsIfs suggested that all the staffattention to their manners in public. A. would payB. payC. paysD. paidIts sparing yourself some time to do physical exercise under such considerable learning pressure. A. very worthB. well worthy of C. well worthD. much worth----1 havent seen you walk your dog recently. Why? ----Well, I havethe habit, as ittoo much of my spare time. A. given out; takes forB. given in; takes for C. given up; takes upD. given off; takes upThoughto hear the result, Mr. Smith welcomed us with a forced smile. A. disappointB. was disappointed C. disappointed D. being disappointed-—Hey! Where are you going? -—Oh, Im sorry. I wasmy recent visit to the Great Wall. A. looking onB. driving away C. coming up with D. thinking back toMany different organizations, the UN, are called non-governmental organizations. A. connected withB. are connected with C. conne


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