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They made shoes in that factory. They will make shoes in that factory. They would make shoes in that factory. They can make shoes in that factory. They have made shoes in that factory. They had made shoes in that factory. They are making shoes in that factory. They were making shoes in that factory. * (2) see sb. doing sth. sb. be seen doing sth. I saw him playing football at that moment. He was seen playing football at that moment. hear / watch /…. * We often hear them sing this song. They are often heard to sing this song (by us). This song is often heard (by us) to be sung (by them). * 一感二听三使四看 feel / hear listen/ make have let/ look see watch notice 这十大动词在主动句中动词用原形,但在变为被动语态时必须加上to * 使用口诀: 感使动词真奇怪, to在句子像妖怪。 主动句里to 走开,被动句里to回来。 动词let要除外, to词可来可不来。 * Bob sent Kate a letter last year. =Kate was sent a letter by Bob last year. =A letter was sent to Kate by Bob last year. tell ask bring write give teach pass lend …to He told Jim a story. * Mum made me a new dress. I was made a new dress by Mum. A new dress was made for me by Mum. make buy draw …for I bought my brother a book. * 注意: 约翰打开了收音机。 John turned on the radio. The radio was turned on. 奶奶照看我姐姐。 Grandma takes care of my sister. My sister is taken care of by Grandma. 注:千万不要遗漏介词或副词。 We must speak to old people politely. Old people must be spoken to politely. * They said that he would come back soon. It was said that he would come back soon. 类似的还有: It is reported / believed / hoped / supposed that ...... We report * 1). 不及物动词没有被动语态。 如:belong, happen, take place, last, come true, remain, succeed, fall, die, arrive, 等。 * Great changes have taken place in this city. * That bike doesn’t belong to Mike. * 2) 表示静态的及物动词不用被动语态 have / fit I have a TV set. The coat fits me well. 3)祈使句一般没有被动语态。 【正】Loo


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