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English for International Construction Engineering and Management Chapter 1 Introduction01International Construction Market: Opportunities and Risks02Project Delivery ProcessCONTENTS03Chinese International Contractor04Communication: Priorities and ProblemsNew Wordsdefect /d??fekt/n. a fault or a lack of sth.that means that sth.or sb.is not perfect 缺陷,缺点diversification /da??v??s?f??ke??n/n. the action of diversifying sth. 多元化empirical /?m?p?r?kl/adj. based on practical experience 以经验为依据的execute /?eks?kju?t/v. to do a piece of work,perform a duty,etc. 实行,执行expiry /?k?spa??ri/n. the end of a period of time during which an official document can legally be used (文件的)到期expropriation /?ks?pr??pri?e??n/n. the action by the state or an authority of taking property from its own owner for public use of benefit 征用abound /??baund/v. to exist in very large numbers大量存在acquisition /?kwi?zi??n/n. the act of getting land,power, money, etc. 获得administrate /?d?m?n?stre?t/v. to manage or direct(the affairs of business,institution,etc.)管理 (企业、组织等)arise /??ra?z/v.if a problem or difficult situation arises,it begins to happen(问题或困难) 出现assign /??sa?n/v. to give sb.a particular job or make them responsible for a particular person or thing 分配,指派commencement /k??mensm?nt/n.the beginning of sth. 开始conduct /k?n?d?k/n. the way sb.behaves,especially in public,in their job,etc. 行为,举止New Wordsparticipant /pɑ?r?t?s?p?nt/n. a person who is taking part in an activity or event 参与者preparatory /pr??p?r?t??ri/adj. done in order to get ready for sth. 预备的,准备的rectify /?rekt?fa?/v. to correct sth. that is wrong 纠正,改正render /?rend?r/v. to give sth. to sb. or do sth., because it is your duty or because sb. expects you to 提供repudiation /r??pjudi?e???n/n. the act of refusing to acknowledge and pay a debt, as a state, municipality, etc. (国家、政府)拒绝承认、清偿(债务)stipulate /?st?pjule?t/v. to demand or specify (a requirement),typically as part of a bargain or agreement 规定supervise /?su?p?rva?z/v. to be in charge of an activ


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