
the gift of the magi麦琪的礼物教案.pptx

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会计学;The gift of the Magi;His best known short stories consisted of : “The Cop and the Anthem”, “The Gift of the Magi ”, “The Last Leave” et al.;Summary of “The?Gift?of?the?Magi”;Despite?of?this,?their?love?to?each?other?and?the?enthusiasm?for?life?didnt?changed?at?all.?When?Christmas?day?was?approaching?,?with only $1.87 in hand, and desperate to find a gift for Jim, Della sold her beautiful hair which?she?treasured?very?much for $20 and eventually finds a platium pocket watch fob chain for Jims watch. ;But?Jim?had?already?sold?that?watch?to?buy?a combs?to?Della??for wearing?in?her?long?hair,?not?knowing?she had?cut?it?off.??Although Jim and Della are now left with gifts that neither one can use, they realized how far they are willing to go to show their love for each other, and how priceless their love really is.;background; As we know, During this period, the United States was experiencing a severe economic crisis. So the novel also depicted the tragic life of the working people, exposed the brutal nature of the bourgeois monopoly indirectly, accused the persecution of the people by rulers ,reflected the peoples dissatisfaction with the rule of the bourgeoisie;;Great Works are normally based on the social real life.;Why do people give gifts each other on Christmas day?;The Magi--- are the three wise men coming to send gifts at the time Jesus was born. They created the custom of sending gifts which represented being respectful, holy and noble to each other at Christmas. Thus in the eyes of western people, Christmas gifts are most precious, hoping they themselves can receive the most valuable gifts.;It?appears?that?the?gifts?they?gave?each?other?have?been? useless.?But?I?think?they?gave?each?other?the?best?of?what? they?had?to?make?the?other?happy.?Isnt?that?true?love??We?can?image,?in?such?rough?conditions,?as?it?said?in?the?story,?Life?is?made?up?of?sobs,?sniffles,?and?smiles,?with sniffles?predominating.?It?is?absolutely?reasonable?for? them?


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