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《智能科学与技术专业新生研讨课》教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 课程名称 新生研讨课 Freshman Seminar 课程编码 CST522011010 开课院部 计算机科学与技术学院 课程团队 人工智能教学团队 学分 1.0 课内学时 16 讲授 16 实验 0 上机 0 实践 0 课外学时 0 适用专业 智能科学与技术 授课语言 中文 先修课程 课程简介 (必修) 《新生研讨课》是智能科学与技术专业大一新生的专业讲座类课程和必修课程。课程由智能科学专业的所有教师讲授人工智能领域的相关知识,突出面向“新生”和“研讨”为主两个特点,聚焦学科发展前沿、体现多学科交叉融合、关注科学的探究。智能科学专业《新生研讨课》强调以前沿研究课题为导向,通过设置开放探究性问题,鼓励学生对人工智能领域的开放性问题开展思考、探索、并鼓励其开展相关领域研究,从而培养学生的专业兴趣和独立思考并解决问题的能力,并引导学生形成合理的专业规划,帮助学生认清专业架构,进行科学选课等。在课堂教学中渗透家国情怀教育,引导学生牢固树立正确的历史观和文化观,准确把握中国文化的核心内容,认真思考如何推进中华优秀传统文化创造性转化和创新性发展,坚定了广大学生的道路自信、理论自信、制度自信和文化自信。 Freshman Seminar is a professional lecture course and compulsory course for freshmen majoring in intelligent science and technology. The course is taught by all teachers of intelligent science major in the field of artificial intelligence, highlighting the two characteristics of freshmen and discussion, focusing on the frontier of discipline development, reflecting the cross integration of multiple disciplines, pay attention to scientific inquiry. The freshman seminar for the major of intelligent science emphasizes that it is guided by cutting-edge research topics and encourages students to think and explore open issues in the field of artificial intelligence by setting open inquiry questions, and encourage them to carry out research in relevant fields, so as to cultivate students professional interest and ability to think independently and solve problems, and guide students to form reasonable professional plans to help students recognize the professional structure, carry out scientific course selection, etc. Infiltration of family and country feelings education in classroom teaching, guiding students to firmly establish a correct view of history and culture, accurately grasp the core content of Chinese history and culture, seriously thinking about how to promote the creative transformation and innovative development of Chinese excellent traditional culture has strengthened the road self-confidence, theoretical self-confidence, institutional


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