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《半导体物理与器件》教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 课程名称 半导体物理与器件 Semiconductor Physics and Devices 课程编码 SCC520121030 开课院部 理学院 课程团队 传感与智能检测技术课程教学团队 学分 3.0 课内学时 48 讲授 48 实验 0 上机 0 实践 0 课外学时 0 适用专业 应用物理学 授课语言 中文 先修课程 量子力学、热力学与统计物理、固体物理 课程简介 (限选) 本课程是应用物理学专业的选修课程。本课程较全面的介绍与半导体物理的基础概念和核心理论,包含晶体结构,价键,能带理论,载流子的类型和输运规律,非平衡载流子的产生、复合及其运动规律等半导体的基础知识。在此基础上以PN结二极管、肖特结二极管和MOS场效应晶体管这三种最重要的半导体基础器件,介绍器件的结构、功能特性、工作原理和非理想的限制因素,以及由这三种基础结构延伸出的功能器件。通过本课程的学习,学生将掌握半导体物理相关的基础知识、概念和核心理论;在此基础上,能够运用相关理论分析常用半导体器件的特性、工作原理以及限制因素,理解实际应用中与理想模型偏差。对半导体器件的前沿发展有一定的认知,获得在本课程领域内分析和处理问题的初步能力,为从事相关的基础研究和应用开发奠定一定的理论基础。 This course is an elective course for students of applied physics. This course introduces the basic concepts and core theories related to semiconductor physics, including crystal structure, valence bond, band theory, carrier type and transport properties, generation and recombination of non-equilibrium carriers, and so on. After that, three important semiconductor device, PN junction diode, Schottky junction diode and MOS field effect transistor, are detailed discussed. The structure, function characteristic, working principle and non-ideal limiting factor of the devices are introduced. Various of functional devices based on the three fundamental semiconductor devices will also be briefly introduced. Through the study of this course, students will acquire the basic concepts and core theories related to semiconductor physics, learn to use the relevant theoretical analyze characteristics, working principle and limiting factors of semiconductor devices, understand the deviation between the practical application and the ideal model. After finishing this course, the students will understand the frontier development of semiconductor devices, have the ability to analyze and deal with some of the basic problems in the field of semiconductor physics and devices, and lay a certain theoretical foundation for engaging in related basic research and application development. 负责人 大纲执笔人 审核人 二、课程目标 序号 代号 课程目标 OBE 毕业要求指标点 任务 自选 1 M1 目标1:


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