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埃 及 诸 神 A lion headed goddess The Egyptians always worshipped the lioness, fearing the force and danger that she represents. Amun阿蒙神 One of the important gods in the Egyptian pantheon whose temple at Karnak (the best surviving religious complex of the New Kingdom). Anubis阿努毕斯 God of the dead closely associated with embalming and mummification. Bastet:贝斯特 Cat goddess and local deity of the town of Bubastis Tell Basta. she is almost represented as cat headed. Bastet was originally a lioness goddess very early associated with Sekhmet, during the Middle Kingdom she is identified with Hathor goddess of joy, music, dancing and later with Mut wife of god Amun . Bes:贝斯 Dwarf with mask like face, often crown of feathers and lion‘s mane, presided over the toilet, birth, sleep, and protector of pregnant women. Hathor:哈索尔 Goddess of love, music, joy and dance. Worshiped in three forms as a woman with the ears of cow, as a cow and as a woman wearing a headdress consisting of a wig, horns with a sun disc between the horns. Isis:伊希斯(古代埃及司生育繁殖的女神) The goddess Isis was represented in human form and appears here as a young woman seated on a throne. She wears the crown characteristic of Hathor with whom she is often associated. Osiris:奥西里斯 古埃及冥神,其每年一次的死亡与复生人格化了大自然自我更新的生命力和多产的特点 One of the most important deities of ancient Egypt whose principal association is with death, resurrection and fertility. 公元前4,000年前, 上埃及和下埃及形成了两个原始王国, 蝎子王开始始向下埃及征战 narmer palette(早期王国时期) 埃及最古老的历史文献还是于19世纪在赫拉克勒波利斯(Hierakonpolis)城遗址发现的Narmer Palette(纳米尔石板,公元前3100年)。 金 字 塔(古王国时期) mastabas 伊姆荷太普,在给埃及法老乔塞王设计坟墓时,发明了一种新的建筑方法。 金 字 塔 金 字 塔 吉萨三塔 金 字 塔 胡夫金字塔的内部结构 146.6 哈佛拉坐像 古王国时期埃及第四王朝法老 村长像 卡培尔王子像(村长像,木雕)这是古王国时代的雕刻杰作,塑造了一个精力充沛、富有经验的管理人员形象 书 吏 王子拉诺切普及其妻子像 法老门考乌拉与王妃立像 梅杜姆墓穴壁画局部 中王国时代 第11王朝雕塑《捕鱼》 希克索王朝的入侵(前1550年) 这个古代模型是在


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