算法导论 第三版 第31章 答案 英.pdf

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Chapter31 MichelleBodnar, Andrew Lohr April 12,2016 Exercise 31.1-1 By the give equation, we ca write c = 1·a+b,with 0 ≥b a. By the definitio ofremaindersgive just belowthe divisio theorem, this meansthat bisthe remainderwhe c is dividedbya,that is b=c mod a. Exercise 31.1-2 Suppose that there are only finitely many primesp ,p ,... ,p . The p = 1 2 k p p ···p +1isn’tprime,sothere mustbe somep whichdividesit. However, 1 2 k i p ·(p ···p p ···p )p andp ·(p ···p p ···p +1)p,sop can’t i 1 i−1 i+1 k 1 i−1 i+1 k i dividep. Sincethis holds for anychoiceof i,weobtai a contradiction. Thus, there areinfinitely manyprimes. Exercise 31.1-3 a|bmeansthereexists k ∈Zsothat k a=b. b|cmeansthereexists k ∈Z 1 1 2 so that k b = c. This means that (k k )a = c. Since the integers are a ring, 2 1 2 k k ∈Z,so,wehavethat a|c. 1 2 Exercise 31.1-4 Letg =gcd(k,p). The g|kandg|p. Sincep isprime,g =p org =1. Since 0k p,g p. Thus,g =1. Exercise 31.1-5 By Theorem 31.2, since gcd(a,n) = 1, there exist integers p,q so that pa +qn = 1, so, bpa+bqn = b. Since n|ab, there exists a integer k so that kn =ab. This means that knp+pqn = (k+q)pn =b. Sincen divides the left hand side, it mustdividethe righthand side aswell. Exercise 31.1-6 1 p! p(p−1)···(p−k+1) p Observethat = = . Letq=(p−1)(p−2)···(p− k k!(p−k)! k!


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