Avatar: The Way of Water《阿凡达:水之道(2022)》完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

Avatar: The Way of Water《阿凡达:水之道(2022)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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潘多拉的森林有很多危险 The forests of Pandora have many dangers. 但是潘多拉星球最危险的地方是 But the most dangerous thing about Pandora is… 你可能太爱它了 ...that you may end up loving him too much. 我们唱着和hearts;弦hearts;来回忆 每一颗珍珠都是我们人生的一个故事 We sing the chords to remember. Each pearl is a story of our life. 我们儿子出生时的一颗宝石 A jewel for the birth of our son. Netay ! Netay! Netay ! Netay! 给我们的养女Kiri的一颗宝石 - A jewel for our adopted daughter, Kiri, - 从Grace的化身中诞生 - born from the avatar of Grace, - 和它的设计是一个完全的谜 and whose design was a complete mystery. 第一次和Eywa见面的宝石 A jewel for the first meeting with Eywa. 人们说我们住在艾娃 - People say we live in Eywa, - 和Eywa住在我们里面 and Eywa lives in us. 伟大的母亲照顾她所有的孩子 The great mother takes care of all her children. 幸福很简单 Happiness is simple. 我想像我这样的癞蛤hearts;蟆hearts;会找到的 I think a toad like me would find it. 我第一次见到你父亲时 我想杀了他 The first time I met your father, I tried to kill him. 一见钟情 Love at first sight. 在我知道之前 我们有四个 Before I knew it, we had four. 我们把人从天堂送回地球 但有些人留在了这里 We sent people from heaven back to Earth, but some stayed here. 忠于纳美人的科学家 Scientists loyal to the Navi. 然后是《蜘蛛》 他被困在这里 And then there was Spider. He was trapped here. 太年轻了 不适合冷冻胶囊 Too young for a cryocapsule. 战争夺走了他的父母 所以他是由科学家抚养长大的 The war had taken his parents, so he was brought up by the scientists. 他就像一只不停奔跑的流浪猫 He was like a stray cat that kept running. 他和我们的孩子形影不离 He and our children were inseparable. 对于Neytiri来说 他永远都是一个陌生人 其中之一 For Neytiri, he would always be a stranger. One of them. 他属于自己人 He belongs among his own. -我先拿到的!-为什么一定要? - I got it first! - Why do you have to have? 再过几年 我的舌头就会被钉进块茎里 I was a few years away from having my tongue hammered into the tuber. 但现在对我来说很自然 But now it comes naturally to me. 我恨你! I hate you! 我恨你恨得没完没了 洛卡!疯狂的脸! I hate you to no end, Loak! Crazy face! 哇 太好了 很快柴火就倒了 Wow, thats good. Soon the firewood falls. 他立刻从岩石中钻了出来 在这儿 He immediately emerges from the rocks. Here it is. 拿去吧 Like, take it. 尼提亚姆 伟大的渔夫 好男孩 Neteyam, the great fisherman. Good boy. -这是一只大螃蟹 -就像你说的


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