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小学四年级北师大英语上学期单词拼写过关专项练习 班级:__________ 姓名:__________ 1. 写出下列缩略式的完全形式。 1.I’d 2.What’s 3.It’s 4.Let’s 5.You’re 6.She’s 7.He’s 8.They’re 9.We’re 10.I’m 2. 看图片,补全单词。 [1] sc f [2 ] s ngl sses [3 ] mbr ll [4 ] gl ve [5 ] pr tt dress 3. 根据汉语意思将正确的单词填在横线上。 清早(1) (起床)后,高高兴兴上学。大家一起(2) (上课),遨游在知识的海洋。课间(3) (做游戏),快乐身边围绕。中午(4) (吃午饭),米饭蔬菜营养多。晚上(5) (看电视),了解神奇世界。早早(6) (上床休息),养成良好习惯。 4. 阅读短文,根据首字母,完成短文。 This is a p of my family. There are t people in my family. They’re my father ,my mother and I. I’m a p . My father is a p officer. My mother is a t . I have a h family. 5. 阅读短文,填入所缺单词。 Look! There are four 1p in the classroom. Kitty has got some 2p . She can paint. Eddie has got a 3b . He can read it. Peter and John ar 1 / 5 e running. Mr Chen says:” Don ’t 4r_________ in the classroom.” They boys say 5s__ _______ to Mr Chen. 6. 根据中文写单词。 1. 十二月 ___________ 2. 十月 ___________ 3. 五月 ___________ 4. —月 ___________ 5. 二月 ___________ 6. 八月 ___________ 7. 九月 ___________ 8. 四月 ___________ 9. 七月 ___________ 10. 三月 ___________ 11. 六月 ___________ 12. 十一月 ___________ 7. 完成表格。 8. 用所给词的正确形式填空。 (1)He would like _____ (have) a cup of tea. (2 )The people there are very _____ (friend) to us. (3 )Look! It’s raining _____ (heavy). (4 )Everyone in our class _____(watch)TV on Sunday. (5 )_____ (swim) is the best sport in summer. (6 )Is she good at _____(speak) English? (7 )Please keep the door _____(close). (8 )Mum is the _____ (busy) in my family. (9 )What about


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