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正反观点2023高考备考作文题材 四步骤1.开门见山地说明辩论的主题和参与者等;2.列举支持方观点及其理由;3.列举反对方观点及其理由;4.得出结论或给出自己的观点。2演 常用语块1.有很大好处be of great benefit5.激烈的讨论a heated discussion9.毫无疑问without doubt/There is no doubt that2.对…有害be harmful to/do harm to6.相反on the contrary/in contrast10.在我看来As far as I am concerned/in my opinion3.赞同in favor of/agree with/be for7.总之/总而言之in a word/in brief/in conclusion/all things considered11.显而易见obviously/It is obvious that4.反对be against/disagree with8.此外in addition/what’s more/furthermore/moreover12.远远超过far overweigh/outweigh3演 常用句式1.我写信给你告知我班最近展开的有关冬季长跑的讨论情况(argument)。I am writing to tell you about the arguments on the winter long-distance running activity in my class.2.最近我们班就中学生是否该带手机到学校进行了激烈的讨论。Recently we students have had a heated discussion on whether high school students should take cell phones into campus.3.同学们对此看法不一。大多数人赞同该想法,认为手机入校会分散(distract)学生注意力。Students hold different attitudes towards it, most of whom are in favor of the view, thinking taking cell phones into campus will distract their attention.4演 常用句式4.然而有些人反对这个观点,争辩说手机是学习的必备工具,手机可用来迅速查找信息。However, some object to it, arguing that the cell phone is a necessary tool for study, with which different information can be searched quickly.5.正如俗语所说:“事物都有其两面性。”但是网上购物的积极方面远远超过消极方面。Just as a proverb says, “every coin has its two sides”, but the positive aspect far outweighs the negative one.5演 常用句式6.只有当我们适度使用手机才能让手机对我们帮助多多(benefit)。Only when we use cell phones properly can they be more beneficial to us. 7.按照调查,60%被采访的人对这项决策不满意,认为它不利于野生动植物的保护。According to a survey, 60% of the interviewees are not satisfied with the decision, thinking it is not a good idea for the protection of wildlife.6演 基础写作模板首段(解释大致情况)Recently we have had a discussion about _____. Different people held different opinions. The results are as follows.中段一(正方观点)Some people are in favor of the idea _____, thinking _____ will bring many benefits. First of all, _____. What’ more, _____......中段二(反方观点)However, some people are against it. They argue that _


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