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演讲稿写作指导Chloe演讲稿常见内容欢迎或欢送致辞毕业致辞就某个话题发表自己感想 (保护校园环境、关注青少年身体健康等) 竞选某个岗位如学生会主席等演讲稿写作重点明确自己代表的身份(我是谁)明确听众的特点(你是谁)结构要完整:开场白、主题和结尾(讲什么)语言要得体、有感染力(怎么讲)演讲稿注意称呼要合适:根据不同场合和听众选用得体的称呼,如“Ladies and gentlemen”“Dear friends”等;结构要完整:一篇演讲稿要有开场白,主题和结尾三部分构成。在演讲稿中要做到开头引人入胜,主题扣人心弦,结尾掀起高潮,自始至终吸引听众。语言要得体:在语言运用上要明确听的对象,做到语义明白流畅、通俗易懂。可使用一些常见的修辞手法来增强语言的感染力和说服力。演讲稿 Para. 1 背景及原因(就某话题演讲) Para. 2 紧扣主题展开论述 Para. 3 重申主题,呼吁或提出建议框架Some useful sentences:It is a great honor for me, on behalf of our school, to deliver this speech about ...I am honored / privileged to have this precious chance to speak here on such a special occasion.Today I want to talk to you about a very important subject.I’m definitely sure that with your great efforts, you will enjoy a colorful and fruitful life.The topic of my speech today is ...Only in this way can we ...Finally, I hope what is mentioned above might be beneficial to you.Thank you for your attention / listening.Para.1自我介绍+身份写作背景写作目的:做演讲第1段中需要有常规的套话:这是我的荣幸去做演讲…I am Li Hua, a student from … / president of the Students’ Union. It is my great honor to deliver a speech on … on behalf of …备选It is a great privilege for me to stand here, sharing my opinions about …I am honored to have this precious chance to speak here on such a special occasion.Para.2总起:以下是我的观点罗列要点(若无具体提示,3-4个为佳)第2段中需要有感染力:倒装句、强调句When it comes to sth./doing … , 主句First and foremost, … Moreover, … Last but not least, …It is + 强调部分 + that + 剩余部分Not only … but alsoNever will you regret if you … Para.3总结希望、祝福或号召套话:谢谢聆听第3段中号召:祈使句 / Let’s do … together.In short, I’m strongly believed that only if we … , can we …Thank you for your listening!备选In short, I’d like to stress the importance of doing … That’s all I want to say about this point. Thank you for your attention!General StructureI’m Li Hua, a student from … It is my great honor to deliver a speech on … here.When it comes to … , it is widely recognized that … First and foremost, … Additionally, … Last but not least, …In short, I’d like to stress the import


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