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Unit 1 Cutural Heritage Reading and thinkingBy Teacher Chen Haitang1 Chinese Intangible Cultural Heritage 中国非物质文化遗产皮影戏Shadow Play剪纸Paper-cut捏泥人Knead Clay Figurine川剧变脸 Face-turning in Sichuan Opera京剧the Peking Opera2 万里长城 The Great Wall秦始皇兵马俑 Terra Cotta Warriers of Qin Shi Huang故宫 The Summer Palace布达拉宫 The Potala Palace龙门石窟 Longmen Grottoes苏州园林 Suzhou Gardens黄山 Mount Huangshan3 World Heritage: relics, architecture, ruins世界文化遗产:文物,建筑,遗址 4 Ancient Egyptian Temples 古埃及神庙Ancient Egyptian Pyramids 古埃及金字塔Ancient Egyptian Sphinx 古埃及狮身人面像5 Ancient Egyptian Sculptures 古埃及雕塑6 Unit 2 Reading and thinking From problems to solutions 从问题到解决Theme and structure of the text: 课文的主题和结构1. There are altogether ____ paragraphs.2. The whole text reports a good example of how people _______ cultural heritage while making changes to the old environment. 3. The story happened in _______. It was caused by the government’s attempt to build a new ________ across the Nile in order to _______________________ ________________________, produce _________________________________, and ______________________________ ___________________ to more farmers.Put the main ideas into a correct order: 把各段主题排序6preserveEgyptdamcontrol floodselectricitysupply water7 An introduction to a problem in relic preservation: a challengeA specific example and the detailed causesThe action of finding solutionsThe action of preservation stepsAn evaluation of the effectsA stress on turning to the global community under UN’s power123456对文物保护中的一个问题的总起介绍导入一个具体特定实例和对问题的细节介绍寻找解决办法的行动具体保护步骤的实施效果的评价强调依靠联合国力量展开项目8 1. Read the title and look at the photos. What do you think the text is about?读标题看照片。你认为这篇课文是关于什么的?The titie is : From problems to solutionsThe photos are about some valuable cultural relics in Africa.I think the text is about some problems that happened to cultural relics preservation.2. Scan the text for numbers. Circle the numbers and guess what they mean.扫读课文找数字。圈出数字并猜测他们意味着什么。1959: It is the year when the Egyptian go


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