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摘要 PAGE 31 水果采摘机械手装置设计与仿真 摘 要 近年来,随着全国经济的持续发展,人们对果蔬的需求越来越大。在我国的果蔬生产中,柑橘生产所的占比重日益增大。而在整个柑橘生产活动中,柑橘的采摘所占的工作量十分巨大。除此之外,水果采摘质量的好坏还将直接影响到水果的保鲜储藏,运输配送等后续工作,并最终将严重影响到经济效益。如果继续延续原始的手工采摘,不仅工作环境十分的艰苦,效率低下,而且水果采摘质量也得不到保障,更甚至时有采摘工作者在采摘过程中因为环境的复杂不小心从树上摔下而受伤的事故发生。为了适应当代果蔬经济的发展,设计一种多自由度,满足工作空间的小型柑橘采摘机械手对实现农业自动化和提高经济效益具有重要意义。 根据柑橘生产活动中完成果实采摘整个过程的的具体条件,首先运用所学知识进行机构尺寸的设计;然后创新设计内嵌式关节采摘机械手所有零部件的具体合理尺寸;再按照设计的零件图通过Pro/E三维造型出机械手的所有零部件;接着根据机械手的工作方式选择合理的连接方式并通过创建合理约束完成机械手的装配;最后通过选用Pro/E中的机构模式,经过旋转轴的自定义,伺服电机的添加,定义初始条件等完成机械手的运动仿真。 关键词:柑橘采摘机械手,内嵌式关节,Pro/E三维造型,运动仿真 Abstract Abstract In recent years, with the continuous development of economy, the proportion of citrus production in fruit and vegetable production is growing in our country. In the entire citrus production activities, the workload of citrus picking is very big. What’s more, the quality of fruit picking will directly affect the fruit storage, transportation and other follow-up work ,which eventually has serious influence on the economic benefit. If we continue to use the original manual picking, not only working environment is very difficult, working inefficient, but also the quality of fruit picking is not guaranteed .what’s worse, the fruit picking workers maybe fell from the trees and injured accidentally because the environment is very complex in the process of picking . In order to adapt to the development of contemporary economic fruit and vegetable, it ?is of great significance to agricultural automation realized and improving the economic benefit that designing a kind of small citrus picking manipulator with the features of multi-degree of freedom and satisfied the working space. According to the specific conditions of the whole process of fruit picking in citrus production activities, at first ,using the acquired? knowledge to creatively design all parts of embedded citrus picking manipulator joints with reasonable size. Then according to the design of the part drawing shapes all parts of the manipulator through the


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