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Unit8 Speaking Lead --in Ask students to show their concern , ask them to show the short dialogues about concern, which they prepared before class. Aims: Check the self-study work of students’ pre-class exploration, and train the ability of speaking.Speaking-Expressing ConcernJack looks unhappy today. Mary is concerned about him.Mary: You look terrible. Whats wrong with you?Jack: I failed the English exam.Mary: Im sorry to hear that. But you really dont have to feel like that.Jack: Its the second time Ive failed.Mary: Whats the problem, do you know?Jack: Im poor in spelling.Mary: Oh, take it easy. If you agree, Id like to help you with your spelling.Jack: Really?Mary: Sure.Jack: Thank you very much.Mary: My pleasure.1 .You look terrible.你看起来气色不好。.当look/sound/smell/taste/feel这几个词用作连系动词的时候,它们的意思分别是“看起来”、“听起来”、“闻起来”、“尝起来”、“摸起来”,其用法特点如下:特点一:通常以被感觉的东西作主语,虽有被动词味,但不用被动语态。误:The material is felt nice.这料子摸起来不错。(is felt应改为feels)误:The soup is tasted delicious.这汤味道不错。(is tasted应改为tastes)特点二:其后均可接介词 like。This looks (tastes, smells, feels) like an orange.这东西看起来(吃起来,闻起来,摸起来)像桔子。另外,taste和smell后还可接介词of,表示“有…的味道”:It tastes [smells] of fish.这东西有鱼的味道。特点三:除look外均不用于进行时态(即使是look用于进行时态也不多见)。You look [are looking] tired this evening.今晚你好像很累。但是不说What you says is sounding reasonable.【注】feel表示“感觉”可用于进行时:How are you feeling now? 你现在感觉如何?Im feeling terrible.我感到难受极了。另外,若以上动词用作实义动词,则可以用于进行时态:He is tasting the pudding.他在尝布丁。特点四:除look外,均不能接 to be(即使是look后接to be也不多见)。She looks (to be) the best person for this job.她似乎是做这项工作的最佳人选。【注】feel有时可表示“使人感觉起来…”:It feels cold in here.这儿很冷。2.Whats wrong with you?意思是:你怎么了。 同义句Whats wrong with you?= Whats the matter/trouble/problem with you?= Whats your trouble?= Whats up with you?=Anything wrong?3. I am sorry to hear that的意思:听到这我很遗憾。听到这个我很难过4.be poor in在...方面很差,不擅长5. take it easy不紧张; 松懈; 不生气; 不激动。 例句:1、Take it easy. Don‘t be so sensitive.放松点,别这么敏感。 ? 2、Take it easy. Weve got him. Hes not going to kill anyone else. 别担心,我们已经抓住他了,他不会再杀人。 3、Now, just take it easy,



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