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EU Market
For Solar Power
A message from Kadri Simson, European Commissioner for Energy.
This year has taught us of the grave importance of a secure, home-grown energy system, one that cannot be
manipulated for geopolitical purposes. That system needs to be based on renewables.
Solar has a very important role to play as it can be deployed fast, and already make a real difference in the current
crisis. The Commission is doing all it can to support the deployment of solar energy.
With renewables at the core of our REPowerEU Plan, we increased the proposed renewable energy target for
2030 to 45%. Going to 45% will be no small effort. It means more than doubling the share of renewables in the
ne×t 8 years, and tripling of the deployment speed that we have seen over the last decade
With the Solar Strategy adopted tl1is year, we are aiming to bring online over 320 GW of solar pl1otovoltaic by
2025 and almost 600 GW by 2030.1
These are all very ambitious plans, but with the Solar Strategy we have set a clear policy line on how to get there.
Part of this is 1 aking rooftop solar panels mandatory. To remove possible barriers to achieve our goals, the
Commission has also brought to川ard actions to speed-up and simplify permitting procedures that are currently
slowing down the industry. We have proposed an Emergency Regulation on faster permitting for renewable
projects, including specific provisions fo『 solar deployment.
Barriers also come in the form of our market design. Right now, we are operating with a design that reflects our
energy world of yesterday, not our renewables-based future. Early next year we will propose a reform of the
electricity market.
With demand for solar energy growing, we should be ready to seize the opportunity on the supply side. We have
just launched the EU Solar PV Industry Alliance to seize the tremendous industrial opportunity on offer. The
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