麦肯锡 2022年人工智能状况——五年回顾.pdf

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’ The results of this year s McKinsey Global Survey on Al show the expansion of the technology’s use since we began tracking it five years ago, but with a nuanced picture unde「neath.1 Adoption has mo「e than doubled since 2017, though the p「o­ po「tion of O「ganizations using Al has plateaued between 50 and 60 percent for the past few years. A set of companies seeing the highest financial 「eturns f 「om Al continue to pu川 ahead of competitors. The results show these leaders making larger investments in Al, engaging in increasingly advanced practices known to enable scale and faster Al development, and showing signs of faring better in the tight market for Al talent. On talent, fo 「 the first time, we looked closely at Al hiring and upskilling. The data show that there is significant room to improve diversity on Al teams, and, consistent with other studies, diverse teams correlate with outstanding performance. Five years in review: AI adoption, impact, and spend This marks the fifth consecυtive year we’ve conducted research globally on Als role in business, and we have seen shifts over this period. First, Al adoption has more than doubled.2 In 2017, 20 percent of respondents reported adopting Al in at least one business area, whereas today, that figure stands at 50 percent, though it peaked higher in 2019 at 58 percent. Meanwhile, the average number of Al capabilities that organizations use, such as natural-language generation and computer vision, has also doubled-from ·1.9 in 2018 to 3.8 in 2022. Among these ’ In the sυJV町,


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