华南师范大学英研初试 2011年真题(翻译与写作).pdfVIP

华南师范大学英研初试 2011年真题(翻译与写作).pdf

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2011年华南师范大学外文学院硕士研究生入学考试 考试科目:翻译与写作 考试时间:180分钟 —————————————————————————————— 1. Translate the underlined part from English into Chinese. (40 points) Working Together The 2009 theme for International Translation Day invites translators around the world to take a fresh look at why and how it pays to join forces. The days of the fiercely solitary translator working in splendid isolation are numbered, say many industry observers. Not that massive collectivization is in sight: in this language or, more accurately, this profession, a large share of added value remains intensely personal. But technology and changing markets have broken down barriers. Today translators from around the globe can plug into a truly worldwide conversation that casts new light on traditional ways of working--and creates new opportunities. Even as the arrival of more demanding clients, more complex projects and tighter deadlines underscores the advantages of exchanging ideas, information and best practices. 2. Translate the following passage from Chinese into English. (40 points) 寂寞需要时间,也需要心情.面对生活节奏越来越快的现代人,寂寞似乎少有藏身之地.但是,寂寞却是认识自 我,凸显个性的必不可少的前提.不过,寂寞如酒,在长时间的封存和孤独中,不但没有消失他原有的火一般的 烈性,反而更增添了几分幽幽的抑或是浓郁的芳香.它是人们心灵中的一粒种子,在被世俗的喧哗和骚动所 忽视,所苛求下,艰难而又坚强地,痛苦而又愉悦地孕育着生命的辉煌。 3. Writing. (70 points) Make a comment on the following topic: There is a viewpoint that words should be used with care and accuracy. However, there is an alternative viewpoint that we cannot give an assigned meaning of the words owning to the concepts with vague boundaries and fuzzy edge. _______________________________________________________________ 参考答案: 1. 英译汉 携手合作 2009年国际翻译日的主题号召全世界翻译工作者以全新的角看待携手合作。 行业评论家们称,独善其身的翻译工作者告别孤芳自赏的日子已经指日可待了。这并非说大规模集体化 已迫在眉睫,其实在这种,确切说是在这类语言文字行业中,很大一部分附加值仍然是由非常个性化的 服务创造的。 但是,技术和变化的市场打破了种种樊篱。今天,世界各地的译者可以真正参与到全球性的对话之中, 赋予传统的工作方式以新意,并创造新的机遇。而更高的客户要求、更复杂的项目和更紧迫的时限也更 突出了彼此间交流观点、信息和经验的重要性。 2. 汉译英 It takes much time and right mood to be solitary. Confronted with the increasingl


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