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四年级英语名师课程Unit 3 How many?(Sound time, Rhyme time Checkout time)
Unit 3 How many?( Sound time, Rhyme time Checkout time )四年级英语名师课程
四年级英语名师课程Play a gameSay the next number说出所给数字的后一个数字elevenfifteenfourseventwelveeightsixteenfive
四年级英语名师课程Say the number before说出所给数字的前一个数字tenfourteentwentyeighteen20nineseventeenthirteennineteen
四年级英语名师课程Can you count from one to twenty? 你会用英语从1数到20吗?
四年级英语名师课程Enjoy a song
四年级英语名师课程20 robotsHow many robots?
四年级英语名师课程How many robots do you have?I have robots. What about you? I have robots. sevenfive你呢?Checkout timeCount and write
四年级英语名师课程I have crayons. How many crayons do you have?I have crayons. twelveeighteenCheckout time
四年级英语名师课程lionlovelylibrarylookl Look at the lion in the library.It looks so funny and lovely. / l /Sound time看起来如此有趣的elevenruler
四年级英语名师课程Sound timeLet’s read
四年级英语名师课程like little salad let’s please …link你能说出字母l发/l/的其他单词吗?你能试着读下列新单词吗?long …liveflyplaySound time
四年级英语名师课程Look at all those cakes.One, two, three and four.See how long it takesFor you to eat them all.看看你要花多长时间把它们都吃完。caketake把它们都吃完Cakes多长时间Rhyme time花费How many cakes?
四年级英语名师课程Look at all those cakes.One, two, three and four.See how long it takesFor you to eat them all.CakesRhyme timeLet’s read
四年级英语名师课程Rhyme timeLet’s read
四年级英语名师课程Look at all those ______.One, two, three and four. See how long it takesFor you to _____ them all. (have, eat … )apples eat Make a new rhymeApples
四年级英语名师课程Look at all those ______.One, two, three and four. See how long it takesFor you to _____ them all. (have, eat …)Make your rhyme…
四年级英语名师课程Homework1. Share your rhyme with your family. 和你的家人分享自己创编的小诗。2. Read Sound time and Rhyme time four times. 读语音部分和小诗部分各4遍。
我们,还在路上……You made my day!阅读使人充实;会谈使人敏捷;写作与笔记使人精确;史鉴使人明智;诗歌使人巧慧;数学使人精细;博物使人深沉; 伦理使人庄重;逻辑与修辞使人善辩。
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