九年级英语:九年unit3教学设计 (2).doc

九年级英语:九年unit3教学设计 (2).doc

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作业要求: 1.按照工具模板来完成教学设计,模板请点击附件下载; 2. 围绕“应用信息技术突破学科教学重难点”,确定教学设计主题 3.字数要求500字以上; 4.必须原创,要要求完成,如不符合作业要求,一经发现,按不合格处理。 此教学设计完成后,必须实践于学校课堂教学,教学过程务必请同伴帮忙录制(借助手机、DV录制10—40分钟)完成阶段3“课堂教学视频”上传,以及后期阶段4“作业三:教学反思”的提交任务 题目 Unit3 could you please tell me where the restrooms are? 年级学科 九年级英语 课型 信息技术与 学科整合课 授课教师 钱诗媛 工作单位 嵊州市贵门乡中心学校 教学目标 1. Students will be able to understand the following words according to the passage: politely, direction, correct, direct, speakers, whom, impolite, address request. 2. Students will be able to know how to make requests politely better. 3. Students will be able to get the main ideas of each paragraph. 4. Students will be able to read more efficiently. 5. Students will know more about the western culture. 教学重难点 关键 1. Students will be to grasp the key vocabulary and the key structure. 2. Students will be able to know how to make requests politely better. 3. Students will be able to get more skills of reading. 教学方法 Interactive approach 任务型教学 运用的 信息技术工具 硬件:多媒体,黑板 软件:ppt. 教学设计思路 本单元的话题为得体礼貌地运用语言索取信息及提供信息。在前面几个课时学习的基础上继续学习如何让学生能够作出礼貌的询问,通过一步一步地让学生体会用法。在功能结构方面,本部分则进一步强化介绍礼貌用语结构。文化及策略层面,明确提出语言使用的得体性与文化知识密切相关。情感态度上,突出语言运用中不同场合用词用句的礼貌性及得体性训练和教育。另外充分利用多媒体课件、视频等辅助教学,来增加教学的直观性和趣味性。在阅读活动设计中遵循主体性、生活化原则, 让学生愿意参与到活动中来。 教学过程 设计意图 时间安排 Step1. Lead-in Ask students to watch a short video. Step2. Present and practice Ask students questions about the video and present the new words when answering. Step3. Before-reading Ask students question: “Where do you need to make polite requests?” Step3. While-reading Fast reading: Read the article and underline the topic sentence for each paragraph. Careful-reading: Read each paragraph one by one and answer the questions in the ppt. Find all the direct questions and polite request from the passage. Step4. After reading 1. Jason talks about poli



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