八年级英语下册导学案:Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came.docVIP

八年级英语下册导学案:Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came.doc

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人教版八年级英语下册导学案 PAGE PAGE 2 课题 课型 听说课 学习 目标 学习并掌握词汇:rainstorm alarm begin heavily suddenly strange icy kid realize go off pick up have a look 学习目标语言:What were you doing when the rainstorm came? What was she/ he doing at the time of the rainstorm What was she/ he doing while Linda was sleeping? 情感态度目标:培养学生自主学习和管理能力 学习重点 过去进行时 学习难点 掌握过去进行时 学 习 过 程 自主空间 一、预习与交流 A、预习A部分词汇,朗读理解记忆词汇: 当风暴来临时_________ 等候公汽_________ 走回家_______ 拍照__________ 开始下大雨__________ at the bus stop______ go off_______ woke up late_________ in the library________ B、 Where were they and What were they doing when the rainsrorm came ?自主学习P1a P1____________________________ P2_____________________________ P3_____________________________ P4_____________________________ What was the man on TV doing?_____________________________ 二、合作与探究 A、动口动手。学习目标语:groups working with the grammar facus Step 1 Talking in groups.小组交流学习成果,师生互动解决学习中困惑 Step 2 Presentation and practice Step 3 Language ability practice 过去进行时结构与意义,when and while 在过去进行时中的理解与掌握 三、展示交流 挑战一:观察与运用语法栏目。先组内讨论交流,然后由小组派代表就共性问题进行讲解。针对学生的疑惑,教师给予点拨。 挑战二 组内展示预习任务 挑战三:在听力的基础上展示P1a There___(be) a heavy rainstorm last night. Before it_____(come).there was a stong wind. It ______(beat) against the doors and windows. Then it _____(begin) to rain. At the time of the rainstorm, The TV reparter _______ (report) what was happening at that time. The girl ______ her homework at home. The boy ______at the library . The womwn _______ at the bus stop and the man ______ on the street. 四、点拨升华 :过去进行时 结构为______ _______ 时间状语有:at 9 o’clock last night, at this time yeterday. At that time, when , while等。 While 的两种用法: While I ___________(buy ) a newpaper, my dog ran away. I _______(sleep) while My mother ______(cook) I ________(clean up) the floor when he _______(oper) the door. 五、当堂练习(语法专练) A.用所给词的正确形式填空,注意when 和while 的区别。 1 Father ______ still _____(sleep) when I _____(get) up yestrtday 2 Grandma _____(cook)breakfast w



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